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What is the date of contract?

Date must be in dd/mm/yyyy format, for example, ‘31/01/2023’ and must be today’s date or a date in the past. You can enter a future date or leave blank to demonstrate likely tax amount. However, the actual date must be input at the point of submission.

Use the effective date if there's not a contract date for the transaction.

What is the effective date of the transaction?

The effective date of a land transaction is usually the date that the transaction is completed; not the date contracts are exchanged. However, there are also rules around ‘substantial performance’, which mean that LTT could be due at an earlier date.

Further guidance on ‘substantial performance’

Date must be in dd/mm/yyyy format, for example’ ‘01/04/2018’. You can enter a future date or leave blank to demonstrate likely tax amount. However, the actual date must be input at the point of submission.

Are you claiming tax relief?

Answer ‘Yes’ if the buyer is claiming any of the tax reliefs available under LTT rules.

If the buyer is not claiming a relief, answer ‘No’ and you’ll be taken to the next section ‘What is the total consideration in money or money’s worth, including any VAT actually payable, for the transaction (including any premiums)?’

There’s no first-time buyers’ relief in Wales.

You should note that a relief is not the same as an exemption. If a transaction is exempt from LTT, there’s no need to file a return.

What tax reliefs are you claiming?

Select all the reliefs that the buyer is claiming for.

Relief codes for Land Transaction Tax
CodeDescription of relief
001Certain acquisitions of dwellings
002Charities relief
003Group relief
004Social housing
005Pre-completion – qualifying subsales
006Pre-completion – assignment of rights
007Sale and leaseback relief
008APFR: leased to person
009APFR: re-sold to person
010AFIBR: first and second
011Health service and public bodies
021Incorporation of LLP
023Building societies, friendly societies
025Compulsory purchase
026Planning obligations
027Property trader
028Relocation of employment
029Shared ownership
031Relief contained in schedule 22 LTTA and diplomatic relief
032Special tax site relief 
050Partial - Multiple dwellings
051Partial - Certain acquisitions of dwellings
052Partial - Charity relief
053Partial - Pre-completion
054Partial - Acquisition relief
055Partial - Property trader
056Partial - Relocation of employment
057Partial - Collective rights
058Partial - Contingent consideration
059Partial - Shared ownership
060Partial – special tax site relief 

Is relief being claimed on part of the transaction only?

If the relief does not reduce the amount of consideration chargeable to LTT to £0, answer ‘Yes’. Otherwise, answer ‘No’.

Enter the amount remaining chargeable

Enter the amount of consideration (in money or money’s worth, including VAT), which remains chargeable to LTT after all applicable reliefs have been taken into account.

Enter the amount rounded down to the nearest whole pound.

How many dwellings are being purchased?

Enter the total number of dwellings bought as part of this purchase.

What is the chargeable consideration given for the purchased dwellings?

Enter the amount rounded down to the nearest pound.

Further guidance on chargeable consideration

Are any of the purchased dwellings subsidiary?

Answer ‘Yes’ if there any subsidiary dwellings. Otherwise, answer ‘No’.

Further guidance on subsidiary dwellings

How many of the dwellings are subsidiary?

Enter the number of subsidiary dwellings.

What is the chargeable consideration given for the subsidiary dwellings?

Enter the amount rounded down to the nearest pound.

Further guidance on chargeable consideration

Does the transaction include any other land, such as non-residential land?

Answer ‘Yes’ if there is any other land. Otherwise, answer ‘No’.

What is the chargeable consideration given for the other land?

Enter the amount rounded down to the nearest pound.

Further guidance on chargeable consideration

What is the total consideration, other than rent, in money or money’s worth, including any VAT actually payable, for the transaction (including any premiums)?

Enter the total consideration being paid for as much of the transaction subject to LTT (exclude any part of the transaction subject to SDLT in England or LBTT in Scotland).

The amount you enter as consideration should include the following where appropriate:

  • the total consideration in money or money’s worth given by the buyer, in whatever form, for the land or property
  • the total consideration given for the assignment
  • any premium
  • if there is a legal requirement for LTT to be paid on the market value, state the market value
  • any VAT actually payable

Where the transaction involves a lease, it should not include rent.

Enter the amount rounded down to the nearest pound.

Further guidance on consideration