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A. Human rights and recognition

Action 1: strengthen understanding of the human rights of LGBTQ+ people

How we will achieve it?

  • Publish a toolkit of LGBTQ+ Human Rights resources, led by LGBTQ+ civil societies.

What the impact will be?

  • Increased knowledge amongst the general population of the human rights of all LGBTQ+ people.

When we will do it?

  • Medium term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • LGBTQ+ civil societies.
  • Welsh Government (WG) Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 2: improve LGBTQ+ people’s understanding of how to assert their human rights

How we will achieve it?

  • Share resources that cover protection, infringement, and redress of human rights for LGBTQ+ people.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people have access to resources and services to tackle infringements of their human rights.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • LGBTQ+ civil societies.
  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 3: ban all aspects of LGBTQ+ Conversion Practices

How we will achieve it?

  • Establish a Working group to examine the prevalence and effect of conversion practices in Wales, and to advise on campaigns.
  • Launch a campaign highlighting the harm conversion practices cause, as well as amplifying support services for survivors.
  • Complete a research project into the experience of survivors of conversion practices in Wales.
  • Obtain legal advice on policy and legal mechanisms to ban conversion practices in Wales.
  • Use all available powers to ban all aspects of LGBTQ+ conversion practices in Wales and seek the devolution of any necessary additional powers (Welsh Government 2021a).
  • Seek to implement legislation to ban conversion practices in Wales.

What the impact will be?

  • Improve access to support services for survivors.
  • Reduced number of LGBTQ+ people who experienced conversion practices in Wales.
  • General public made more aware of prevalence and dangers of conversion practices.

When we will do it?

  • Medium and long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.
  • WG Working Group on Banning Conversion Practices.
  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit/Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).

Action 4: strengthen LGBTQ+ representation on equality forums

How we will achieve it?

  • Improve LGBTQ+ representation on Welsh Government Equality Forums.
  • Monitor the intersectional inclusion of WG Equality Forums.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ voices are heard, and intersectional considerations are met.

When we will do it?

  • Medium term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 5: involve LGBTQ+ Communities in designing public services

How we will achieve it?

  • Public bodies in Wales include LGBTQ+ people in service design by default, in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and Strategic Equality Duty (SED).
  • WG Strategic Equality Plan, PSED and SED address the involvement of LGBTQ+ communities in strategic planning.
  • Review Welsh Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) regulations and reporting.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ communities feel included in public life in Wales.
  • The review of Welsh PSED regulations takes account of, and includes LGBTQ+ people and needs.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.
  • Local authorities.
  • WLGA.
  • Public bodies.

Action 6: provide recognition of non-binary and intersex people

How we will achieve it?

  • Throughout devolved policy areas, review language of policies and guidance to be sensitive to gendered language and gender markers.
  • In non-devolved policy areas, initiate conversations with UK Government aiming to implement a recognition of non-binary people on passports and driving licenses (e.g., X gender marker).

What the impact will be?

  • Non-binary and intersex people’s needs are identified and met within public services.
  • Welsh Government and its publications use inclusive language.
  • Non-binary and intersex people are publicly recognised and validated.

When we will do it?

  • Medium term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 7: seek the devolution of powers in relation to Gender Recognition

How we will achieve it?

  • Start negotiation with UK Government, and trigger a request to devolve powers related to Gender Recognition.
  • Identify ways to support Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) applicants in Wales.

What the impact will be?

  • Welsh Government support for our trans communities is visible.
  • Devolution of relevant powers granted.
  • Trans people are helped to obtain a GRC.

When we will do it?

  • Short term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 8: international engagement showcases our LGBTQ+ values and support in Wales and globally

How we will achieve it?

  • Consider how to adopt an inclusive approach to procurement which reduces and removes real and perceived barriers to diverse suppliers bidding for Welsh Government contracts.
  • Explore how to set meaningful short-, medium- and long-term targets to increase the diversity of Welsh Government’s supply chains. As a first step, we will analyse Welsh Government’s supply chains to determine the current level of supplier diversity.
  • Project our values of Wales as an LGBTQ+ friendly nation, through diplomatic engagement and our overseas network, including with countries that do not necessarily share these views, regularly reviewing our approach.
  • Work with the ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map for LGBTQ+ inclusion ranking in Europe to highlight Wales’s position within the broader UK analysis: to ensure that Wales is represented in the Annual Review in more detail.
  • Raise the importance of LGBTQ+ rights where we engage internationally and work with other nations or intergovernmental organisations to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people across the world.

What the impact will be?

  • Wales is perceived as an LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe and Globally.
  • Wales’ international relations and procurement practices reflect its aim to be an LGBTQ+ friendly nation.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing, review annually.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG International Relations Team.
  • WG Commercial Procurement Directorate.

B. Safety and freedom from discrimination

Action 9: remove barriers to LGBTQ+ people reporting hate crime

How we will achieve it?

  • Work with Policing in Wales to examine and improve procedures within the police and guidance for officers concerning hate crime.
  • Continue conversations concerning the classification of hate crime against LGBTQ+ people.
  • Gather evidence from LGBTQ+ communities of positive and negative experiences with reporting hate crime and understanding any barriers to reporting. Using this evidence, support the work of the Community Tension Board to feedback to policing in Wales. 
  • Review statistics on the diversity of Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) in Wales reported annually to the PCSO Steering Group, to understand and improve the make-up of the PCSO workforce, as representative of LGBTQ+ communities.

What the impact will be?

  • Improve levels of reporting and recording of LGBTQ+ hate crime.
  • LGBTQ+ people are confident to report hate crime.
  • A more representative and diverse Police and Community Support Officer workforce, and generally a police forces in Wales, and increasing trust in the service for LGBTQ+ people.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Police and Crime Commissioners and Chief Constables, along with other criminal and social justice partners.
  • WG Community Safety Team, working closely with Policing in Wales.
  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit/Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).

Action 10: continue to invest in hate crime prevention programmes across Wales

How we will achieve it?

  • Launch a revised version of the Hate Hurts Wales campaign, with a focus on working with LGBTQ+ people and organisations, in particular around hate and harassment against transgender and non-binary people.

What the impact will be?

  • Raised awareness of what hate crime is, how to report it, and the support and advocacy available to LGBTQ+ people via the Wales Hate Support Centre.
  • Increased understanding of the different ways to report hate crime, other than directly to the police.
  • Potential perpetrators of hate shown the consequences of hate crime, on both their own lives and the lives of the victims.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Community Cohesion and Hate Crime Team.

Action 11: counter online anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes and hate crimes

How we will achieve it?

  • “Rights, respect, equality; statutory guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools” includes digital threats and prejudices expressed online, including online bullying and aggression.
  • ‘Hate Hurts Wales’ features examples of online hate and show clear methods for survivors and targeted individuals to report online hate.
  • Update the “HWB” resources, the digital teaching and learning platform for schools in Wales, and “keeping safe online” sections to tackle online safety and resources.
  • Support schools with the implementation of mandatory Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in which online safety is a key feature.
  • Provide insight into LGBTQ+ specific needs for Welsh Government influence on the current Online Safety Bill.

What the impact will be?

  • Increase the understanding of anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes online.
  • Public bodies better understand what works in disrupting spreading hateful content online.
  • Raise awareness of online hate, how to report it, and the support and advocacy available to LGBTQ+ people via the Wales Hate Support Centre.
  • Learners will be supported to develop an understanding of the social, emotional, physical and legal nature and impact of harmful behaviours, including LGBTQ+ based bullying in a range of contexts including online.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equity in Education Division.
  • WG HWB Team.
  • WG Curriculum Division.

Action 12: improve the relationship of LGBTQ+ communities with Policing in Wales

How we will achieve it?

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ communities feel confident to engage with law enforcement services, and feel respected and understood when they do.
  • Specific intersectional needs of LGBTQ+ people, particularly those from disabled communities and Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities, are met.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Police and Crime Commissioners.
  • Hate and Community Tensions Board Cymru.
  • Chief Constables.
  • LGBTQ+ Civil Societies.
  • WG Equality and Human Rights Team.
  • WG Community Safety Team.
  • Criminal Justice in Wales which includes Policing in Wales.

Action 13: target violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV) among LGBTQ+ communities

How we will achieve it?

  • Provide sustainable long-term funding for specialist domestic abuse and sexual violence services.
  • Welsh Government Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence programme of work is delivered in a way that is inclusive of all LGBTQ+ people.
  • Undertake further research to better understand the experiences of LGBTQ+ ethnic minority and LGBTQ+ disabled domestic abuse survivors and the barriers they face to reporting abuse, accessing support, and engaging in the criminal justice system.
  • Improve data collection from VAWDASV service providers, including police data, to capture the experiences of LGBTQ+ reporting, referrals, and incidences.
  • All literature, messaging and awareness raising initiatives are made LGBTQ+ inclusive.

What the impact will be?

  • Improved experience for LGBTQ+ people reporting VAWDASV.
  • Improved understanding of the barriers to reporting.
  • The needs of cisgender and transgender men, including gay and bisexual men is considered.
  • LGBTQ+ survivors see themselves reflected in Welsh Government literature and guidance.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG VAWDASV Team.
  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.
  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit / Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).

Action 14: homelessness services are inclusive of the specific needs of LGBTQ+ people

How we will achieve it?

  • Ensure that LGBTQ+ people are engaged and able to influence new policy and legislative developments related to homelessness prevention.
  • Work with local authorities and care home providers to ensure staff are fully trained in relation to LGBTQ+ people’s rights and barriers, especially those working with LGBTQ+ people facing homelessness.
  • As part of a wide-ranging homelessness projects evaluation, we will evaluate specific LGBTQ+ projects, such as the Ty Pride project, and gather best practice and principles to share with local authorities regarding LGBTQ+ homelessness.
  • Maintain a watching brief of innovation across equalities and homelessness and projects and share with stakeholders, as appropriate.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people facing homelessness feel that support is easy to understand, and resources are accessible.
  • Homelessness services sensitively engage with LGBTQ+ people.

When we will do it?

  • Medium term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Homelessness Prevention team.
  • WG Housing Policy Team.
  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.
  • Local authorities.
  • WLGA.

C. A Nation of Sanctuary for asylum seekers and refugees

Action 15: identify, safeguard and signpost LGBTQ+ people in claiming asylum

How we will achieve it?

  • Initiate negotiations with UK Government to amend the Asylum Support Application Form (ASF1) form to capture information concerning sexual orientation and gender reassignment to provide tailored signposting and safeguarding measures.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees feel that Welsh Government commitments to making Wales a Nation of Sanctuary are inclusive of LGBTQ+ people.
  • ASF1 form and Asylum Case Worker Guidance is amended and updated.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • UK Government.
  • UK Minister for Immigration.
  • UK Government Home Office.
  • WG Inclusion and Cohesion team.

Action 16: encourage the development of LGBTQ+ only asylum properties in Wales

How we will achieve it?

  • Work with all appropriate agencies to facilitate meeting the information, advice and advocacy needs of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in relation to accessing appropriate homes.
  • Gather evidence of positive and negative experiences of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in relation to housing to demonstrate the requirement for focused consideration on their needs.

What the impact will be?

  • Services, including advice services become fully accessible to the full diversity of asylum seekers.
  • LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees feel that Welsh Government commitments to making Wales a Nation of Sanctuary are inclusive of LGBTQ+ people.
  • Services, including advice services demonstrate how they have become more accessible, with necessary safeguarding and welfare considerations implemented.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • UK Government Home Office.
  • Clearsprings Ready Homes.
  • Ethnic-minority-led organisations
  • WLGA.
  • WG Inclusion and Cohesion team.
  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit/Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).

Action 17: ensure Wales a Nation of Sanctuary remains inclusive of LGBTQ+ people

How we will achieve it?

  • Work with specialised LGBTQ+ asylum and refugee support services to engage and understand the needs of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees.
  • Gather evidence of positive and negative experiences of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in relation to the asylum process and integration to Wales to understand and consider their needs.
  • Using the above evidence and experiences, create tailored training for relevant service providers, public bodies and organisations in Wales concerning rights and issues of LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers in Wales.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees feel that Welsh Government commitments to making Wales a Nation of Sanctuary are inclusive of LGBTQ+ people.
  • Views of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in Wales shared with the Home Office.
  • Local authority, public bodies and third sector staff are fully up to date with the rights and entitlements of LGBTQ+ migrant groups.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Inclusion and Cohesion Policy team.
  • WLGA.
  • Local authorities.

D. Healthcare, social care, and welfare

Action 18: understand and improve the experience of LGBTQ+ people in the health and social care sectors

How we will achieve it?

18.1: training and workplace
  • Undertake a review of existing training for NHS Wales staff on inclusive healthcare practices, identifying and addressing any gaps.
  • Work with partners including the NHS Wales Partnership Forum to understand the experience of LGBTQ+ staff in the NHS workplace. Take any appropriate action (including development of training) as a result.
  • Work with Social Care Wales to design, roll-out and evaluate the impact of specific training for staff in social care setting.
18.2: inspection
  • Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW) to consider LGBTQ+ service users and patients in their review of inspection methodology in line with the 6 domains of Quality (specifically ‘equitable’).
  • As part of inspection, Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to consider the extent to which people receiving care and support, including LGBTQ+ individuals, are treated with respect and sensitivity, having regard to any relevant protected characteristics.
18.3: complaints
18.4: outcomes and experiences
  • Through a review of existing research and evidence, identify the barriers facing LGBTQ+ people accessing health and social care, including any experiences of anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes, and the impact these barriers have on people’s behaviours in maintaining their health and wellbeing. This includes, for instance, cancer screening and sexual health provisions. Share the results of the research reviews with the NHS Health Inequalities Group and ADSS Cymru to look into implementation.
  • In the context of healthcare and social care, review evidence concerning the impact of certain behaviours (e.g., substance misuse behaviour, tobacco use, sexual health, and mental health) that may disproportionately affect LGBTQ+ individuals. Use the review to identify best pathways to commission services.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people feel safe, respected, and understood when using health and social care services.
  • LGBTQ+ people feel safe, respected, and understood in care homes.  

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing and long Term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • NHS Wales organisations.
  • Health Inspectorate Wales.
  • Care Inspectorate Wales.
  • ADSS Cymru.
  • Citizen Voice Body (CVB).
  • Equality Staff networks.
  • MoU on Banning Conversion Therapy.
  • WG Health and Social Services Group.
  • WG Quality & Nursing Directorate.
  • WG Population Health Team.
  • WG Social Services and Integration Team.
  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit/Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).

Action 19: ensure maternity and fertility services are accessible and straightforward to use for LGBTQ+ people

How we will achieve it?

  • Review and improve fertility referral pathways and services for LGBTQ+ people.
  • Identify, review, and improve access for IVF, including financial costs for LGBTQ+ people.
  • WHSSC fertility guidance, open for public consultation in November/December 2022 to make reference to female assigned at birth and male assigned at birth and patients on an NHS funded pathway for gender reassignment, and include information on how they access fertility preservation.

What the impact will be?

  • Single sex families can access fertility treatment equally.
  • Trans people have timely access to gamete storage that does not unduly delay a medical transition.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Government Health and Social Services Group.
  • WG Quality and Nursing Team.

Action 20: ensure the development of the new mental health strategy takes account of LGBTQ+ people

How we will achieve it?

  • Identify and consider the needs of LGBTQ+ people, refugees and people seeking asylum as part of engagement work to develop the Strategy.
  • Develop actions to reduce inequalities in access and outcomes from mental health services.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people are confident that mental health services meet their needs.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Government Health and Social Services Group.
  • WG Quality and Nursing Team.

Action 21: publish and act on a new HIV Action Plan

How we will achieve it?

  • Publish a draft HIV Action Plan for Wales and open consultation.
  • Review responses and publish a revised HIV Action Plan for Wales which includes a focus on prevention, late diagnosis, education, equitable service provision, and removal of stigma.
  • Establish an oversight group to monitor delivery of the actions within our HIV Plan.

What the impact will be?

  • People living with HIV feel satisfied with their quality of life and quality of care.
  • Reduce cases of late diagnosis.
  • Wales meets the target of zero new HIV transmissions by 2030.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Government Health and Social Services Group.
  • Public Health Wales (PHW).
  • Health boards.
  • WG Health Protection.

Action 22: overcome barriers to LGBTQ+ people accessing sexual health services

How we will achieve it?

  • Raise awareness, through targeted campaigns, with LGBTQ+ people of available remote services, including postal testing (see HIV Action Plan for Wales).
  • Increase telemedicine and remote services to cater for people across all areas of Wales that are currently underserved, taking account of people who are digitally excluded.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people in all regions of Wales feel they can have easy, private, and confidential access to sexual health service.

When we will do it?

  • Medium term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Government Health and Social Services Group.
  • WG Health Protection.
  • PHW.
  • Health boards.

Action 23: review the Gender Identity Development pathway for young people in Wales

How we will achieve it?

  • Ensure young people and stakeholders in Wales are engaged in the consultation on an interim service specification.
  • Consider options for the development of a service in Wales. This will include engagement with young people, service users and stakeholders.

What the impact will be?

  • Trans Children and Young people in Wales can access services closer to where they live.
  • Health services for trans children and young people are focused on clinical need and based on clinical evidence.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Government Health and Social Services Group.
  • Welsh Gender Service.
  • Welsh Health Special Services Commissioners.

Action 24: continue to develop the Wales Gender Service

How we will achieve it?

  • Further reduce waiting times for the Welsh Gender Service and Local gender teams.
  • Enable GPs to initiate hormone therapy as part of the adult pathway.
  • Understand the needs of non-binary people accessing the Welsh Gender Service.

What the impact will be?

  • Service users across Wales can access gender identity services in a timelier way and closer to home.
  • Non-binary people are confident that the Welsh Gender Service meets their healthcare needs.
  • In line with Action 18, Activity 18.4 of this Plan, the overall health outcomes and experiences of trans and non-binary people will be considered.    

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Government Health and Social Services Group.
  • Welsh Gender Service.

Action 25: improve the data recording and change processes for maintaining trans, non-binary and intersex people’s medical records

How we will achieve it?

  • Engage with expert panels and stakeholder groups to understand the needs of trans, non-binary and intersex people in relation to demographic and clinical data recording.
  • Apply these findings to improve the patient information of NHS sex-specific services (e.g., cervical, breast and prostate cancer screening).
  • A broader review of the use of sex and gender markers to ensure that a change of details is carried through to other NHS demographic systems.
  • Examine options for amending or developing digital services to achieve the above policy aims linked to greater inclusion of trans, non-binary, and intersex citizens.

What the impact will be?

  • Improved access to healthcare services and reduced risk of exclusion.
  • Communication from NHS reflect the needs of trans and non-binary people.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Government Health and Social Services Group.

E. Inclusive education

Action 26: provide national trans guidance for schools and local authorities

How we will achieve it?

  • Publish the Transgender Guidance for schools in full.

What the impact will be?

  • Schools and local authorities can implement national guidance with confidence.
  • Challenges to the guidance can be dealt with nationally rather than by individual schools and local authorities.

When we will do it?

  • Summer 2023.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equity in Education Division.

Action 27: support LGBTQ+ young people and tackle homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying

How we will achieve it?

  • Provide professional learning and support for practitioners in recognising, recording and challenging prejudice-based bullying and harassment, both during initial training and as a part of continuous professional development. This should consider how professionals support LGBTQ+ young people by preventing and tackling homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying by embedding the rights-based approach.
  • Engage with local authorities to improve access to, and use of, data gathered by schools concerning bullying, harassment, and discrimination towards LGBTQ+ people, in line with their responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
  • Accredited Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes are taught in a way that ensures LGBTQ+ pupils/students are not subject to discrimination and actively tackles key inequalities, understanding and preventing bullying and negative peer pressure, and having knowledge of safeguarding issues and procedures.
  • Improve and publish the updated "Rights, respect, equality, statutory guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools".

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ young people report lower levels of bullying and discrimination.
  • LGBTQ+ young people understand how to get support when facing discrimination or bullying.
  • LGBTQ+ young people are confident to challenge bullying and discrimination.

When we will do it?

  • Review of peer-on-peer sexual harassment in further education to be published 2023.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Curriculum Division.
  • WG Pedagogy, Leadership and Professional Learning Division.
  • WG Professional Learning Team (see section “Data and Research”).

Action 28: design and implement a whole school approach that is fully LGBTQ+ inclusive

How we will achieve it?

  • Support schools with mandatory requirements of the statutory RSE Code and guidance which is LGBTQ+ inclusive.
  • Ensure education supporting resources contain materials that are LGBTQ+ inclusive, including in Welsh Language.
  • Provide professional learning opportunities for all staff in schools and educational settings to understand the core elements of providing LGBTQ+ inclusive education.
  • Support schools in Wales, along with Local Authorities, to comply with their Public Sector Equality Duty obligations, in particular the requirement to publish Strategic Equality Plans (SEP) and equality objectives.

What the impact will be?

  • Schools and educational settings have the tools that they need to successfully implement the RSE Code and Guidance in all educational settings, in both Welsh and English.
  • Schools and educational settings have access to a range of LGBTQ+ inclusive literature and resources in all educational settings, in both Welsh and English.
  • LGBTQ+ Welsh speaking young people see themselves reflected in their school environment, education, and Welsh literature.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equity in Education Division.
  • WG Curriculum Division.
  • WG Pedagogy, Leadership and Professional Learning Division.

Action 29: ensure that all colleges and universities in Wales are LGBTQ+ inclusive environments for learners, students and staff

How we will achieve it?

  • Work with the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) to encourage universities to take account of issues of intersectionality, including sexual orientation and gender reassignment, when considering how they support their diverse staff and student populations.
  • Work with universities and colleges in Wales to ensure their Strategic Equality Plans (SEP) set out how they will meet their duties under the Equality Act 2010 including as this relates to gender reassignment and sexual orientation.
  • Commission a thematic review of peer-on-peer sexual harassment in further education this year, which will include identification of issues around homophobic discrimination or bullying.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBT+ students will be able to pursue their studies and career in an environment free from harassment, discrimination or victimisation.
  • To allow all students to be able to fulfil their full potential, to be fully supported and engage fully in their studies for the duration of their course.
  • Robust complaints policies and processes are in place for students and staff. A system where students can be confident that they can raise any concerns and report any incidents without fear and will know that it will be dealt with appropriately.
  • An increased awareness of consistent, whole institutional approaches to tackling LGBTQ+ violence, harassment and bullying.
  • Improved evidence base on the experiences of LGBTQ+ learners and recommendations on actions to tackle issues around homophobic discrimination in FE.

When we will do it?

  • Medium term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Higher Education Policy and Delivery Division.
  • WG Further Education and Apprenticeships Division.
  • HEFCW.
  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

F. Communities, private and family life

Action 30: support the family lives of LGBTQ+ people

How we will achieve it?

  • Work across Welsh Government and with external providers to ensure that the resources of existing services, such as Welsh Government’s “Parenting. Give it time” campaign, meet the needs of parents and families of LGBTQ+ young people.
  • Support the production of resources for all ages on LGBTQ+ families, in English and Welsh. These should include representation of diverse family relationships with LGBTQ+ people, such as LGBTQ+ parents, carers, siblings, children etc.

What the impact will be?

  • All family members feel confident on how to support their LGBTQ+ family members, including children and young people.

When we will do it?

  • Medium term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Tackling Poverty and Supporting Families Division.
  • WG Parenting Branch.
  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit/Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).

Action 31: support the LGBTQ+ youth work sector

How we will achieve it?

  • Explore options for a longer-term sustainable funding model for organisations, including in the voluntary sector, who provide support for a wide range of young people with differing backgrounds and needs, including support for LGBTQ+ young people.
  • Engage with youth work sector to improve access to Youth Work provision and safe spaces for young people with differing backgrounds and needs, including LGBTQ+ young people, and increased diversity within the youth work workforce.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ young people are able to access youth work services that are relevant to them, and they have safe spaces to go to.

When we will do it?

  • July 2023 to June 2024 and longer term.
  • From October 2022 and longer term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Youth Engagement team.
  • WG Support for Learning Team.
  • Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board.

Action 32: support open dialogue between faith groups and LGBTQ+ people

How we will achieve it?

  • Work, to establish inter-faith conversations to enable positive interaction between faith groups LGBTQ+ communities.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people of faith feel accepted in their faith communities.

When we will do it?

  • Long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 33: ensure that LGBTQ+ Welsh speakers have access to Welsh medium support services

How we will achieve it?

  • Services provided by public services and funded partners are available in both Welsh and English, in line with the Welsh Language Standards and Welsh Government policy for grant recipients and funded services.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ Welsh speakers will be able to access services in the language of their choice.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Language Division.
  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 34: provide support for LGBTQ+ people to participate in democracy, including standing for elected positions

How we will achieve it?

  • Promote access to diverse role models for participation in democracy including standing for office.
  • Continue the support towards mentoring schemes such as the “Equal Power Equal Voices” Public Life Mentoring Programme.
  • Consult with LGBTQ+ stakeholder groups on proposals for an Electoral Administration and Reform White Paper, including measures to reduce abuse of electoral candidates and proposals to expand the Access to Elected Office Fund.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people are better represented in public life.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Local Government Group.
  • WG Election Division.
  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 35: support Pride organisations across Wales

How we will achieve it?

  • Continue our support for Pride Cymru.
  • Through the “All-Wales LGBTQ+ Grassroots Fund for Pride events” support local pride organisations and pride events.

What the impact will be?

  • Local pride events become better funded and able to serve their LGBTQ+ populations better.
  • Improve the connectivity and experiences of LGBTQ+ communities in the rural and regional dimensions.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 36: use LGBTQ+ awareness events to amplify LGBTQ+ voices

How we will achieve it?

  • Important dates for LGBTQ+ people, including LGBTQ+ History Month,  acknowledged in WG Communications.
  • Appropriate flags raised in public sector buildings, particularly from underrepresented communities (e.g., bisexual; asexual; aromantic).
  • Elected officials support events to mark important dates.

What the impact will be?

  • Individual communities within the wider LGBTQ+ community feel seen and heard.
  • Voices of under-represented sections of LGBTQ+ communities are heard.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Social Justice Communications Team.

Action 37: support LGBTQ+ Veterans of the Armed Services

How we will achieve it?

  • Provide resources to deliver a support group for LGBTQ+ veterans in Cardiff and Vale, and Cwm Taf area.
  • Provide support to “Fighting with Pride”, a charity for improving and supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ Veterans.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ Veterans in Wales feel supported as an integral part of the wider Veterans community.
  • LGBTQ+ Veterans are aware of the opportunity to take part in LGBT+ Independent Review.

When we will do it?

  • By end October 2022.
  • By March 2023.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Local Government Group.
  • WG Armed Forces Branch.

G. Participation in Welsh life: culture and sport

Action 38: improve the representation, inclusion, and participation of LGBTQ+ people in sports

How we will achieve it?

  • Showcase Welsh Government’s values towards LGBTQ+ rights on international Sport platforms.
  • Improve LGBTQ+ representation in the Sport sectors in Wales at all levels, including at Board, workforce and volunteers’ levels.
  • Provide greater focus on equality as part of skills development, work experiences, volunteering, mentoring and apprenticeship activities and opportunities in the sport sector.
  • Ensure the sports workforce are engaged and aware of events and activities at local, regional, and national level. 

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ community is better represented and accepted in the sport sector.
  • Contribution to Wales being the most LGBTQ+ friendly country in Europe by 2030.
  • Scalable best practice is shared, and this results in better policy.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Culture, Sport and Tourism Group.

Action 39: improve the access and participation of transgender people in sport

How we will achieve it?

  • Assess the implementation of the Transgender Inclusion in Domestic Sport Guidance and its effectiveness.
  • Commission further research into the experiences of transgender people in sports.
  • Work with sports bodies to improve trans inclusion policies and guidance across Wales.

What the impact will be?

  • Transgender people feel included and accepted in the sport sector.

When we will do it?

  • Medium to long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Culture, Sport and Tourism Group.
  • WG Sport Team.
  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit/Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).

Action 40: celebrate and improve the representation of LGBTQ+ communities in the heritage and culture of Wales

How we will achieve it?

  • Work with partner organisations to support LGBTQ+ communities to collate and donate collections to local archives and museums.
  • Establish collaborations with national and local collections to support Pride activity across Wales, including during Pride month.
  • Use national and local collections in Wales to celebrate and share LGBTQ+ stories and histories, providing funding where appropriate.
  • Improve LGBTQ+ representation in the Culture sector in Wales at all levels, including at Board, workforce, and volunteers’ levels.
  • Work in collaboration with LGBTQ+ organisations and key partners to ensure the needs of Welsh language speakers are met in the representation of LGBTQ+ culture. One such example is the Mas ar y Maes partnership.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ culture and history are better represented in the cultural sector.
  • The needs of Welsh language speakers are met in the representation of LGBTQ+ culture.

When we will do it?

  • Medium to long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Culture, Sport and Tourism Group.
  • WG Culture Sponsorship Team.

Action 41: increase the involvement of LGBTQ+ people and organisations in the design of cultural events and activities

How we will achieve it?

  • Encourage the culture public bodies to include LGBTQ+ communities in their objectives and outcomes.
  • Develop and share scalable best practice.
  • Provide greater focus on equality as part of skills development, work experiences, volunteering, mentoring and apprenticeship activities and opportunities in the cultural sector.

What the impact will be?

  • Those involved in delivery of cultural services are engaged and aware of events and activities at local, regional, and national level.

When we will do it?

  • Medium to long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Culture, Sport and Tourism Group.
  • WG Culture Sponsorship Team.

H. Inclusive workplaces

Action 42: remove unnecessary personal identifications from recruitment practices

How we will achieve it?

  • Implement a new Welsh Government recruitment system which supports name-free recruitment. Markers such as name, titles, age and gender markers removed or restricted where deemed necessary.
  • Review gendered language and gender markers to recognise non-binary and intersex people in Welsh Government recruitment processes. 
  • Collect equalities information separately from main recruitment documents and anonymise for use in policy planning.

What the impact will be?

  • Removed barriers in recruitment practices and increased confidence in applicants.
  • Non-binary and intersex people are not required to choose a sex/gender that does not apply to them.

When we will do it?

  • By March 2023.

Who will help achieve this?

  • Welsh Government HR team.
  • WLGA.
  • LGBTQ+ civil societies.

Action 43: provide equalities training that includes the needs of LGBTQ+ people to all public sector organisations

How we will achieve it?

  • Review Welsh Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) regulations and reporting, including training.
  • Identify existing resources for training required by public sector organisations in line with the PSED.
  • Identify any gaps in current provision in this area and work with other equalities groups to ensure those gaps are filled.
  • Ensure that intersectional equalities training is devised and delivered to public sector organisations in line with the PSED.
  • Collaborate, where appropriate and relevant, with Wales TUC and Trade Unions to maximise workplace resources and reach.

What the impact will be?

  • All public service workers understand LGBTQ+ rights, needs and barriers.
  • Public sector employers understand their legal obligations in relation to equality legislation.
  • Training required under PSED meets LGBTQ+ needs.

When we will do it?

  • Medium to long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equalities Team, Strategic Equality.
  • Local authorities.
  • WLGA.
  • Public bodies.
  • Wales TUC.
  • Trade Unions.
  • WG Equality and Human Rights Team.

Action 44: encourage private sector employers to be LGBTQ+ inclusive 

How we will achieve it?

  • Work in social partnership to encourage employers to promote, share and adopt best practice in relation to inclusive workplaces, including the dissemination of case studies.
  • Improve access to information, advice, guidance and support for employers on employing LGBTQ+ workers including information on legal responsibilities
  • Work in social partnership with trade unions and employers to encourage to employers to adopt equalities policies and procedures that safeguard against LGBTQ+ discrimination. 
  • Work in social partnership with trade unions and employers to provide guidance to employers on the importance of collecting diversity data and its use in promoting inclusion.

What the impact will be?

  • More LGBTQ+ inclusive workplaces.
  • LGBTQ+ people understand and use pathways for reporting LGBTQ+ discrimination in Welsh workplaces.
  • Improved knowledge and awareness of LGBTQ+ workplace rights and employer responsibilities.   
  • Decline in levels of reported LGBTQ+ discrimination in Welsh workplaces. 
  • Increase in the availability of diversity data from the private sector.

When we will do it?

  • Medium to long term.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Fair work Division.
  • Wales TUC.
  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit/Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).

I. Impact of COVID-19

Action 45: in planning and implementing a recovery response to COVID-19, to consider the experiences of LGBTQ+ people, particularly on mental health

How we will achieve it?

  • Support LGBTQ+ spaces and services with targeted special COVID-related funding.
  • Measures put in place to improve LGBTQ+ lives post pandemic.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people feel supported to overcome negative impacts caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality and Human Rights Division.

Action 46: undertake a thorough investigation into how LGBTQ+ people, particularly LGBTQ+ young people and LGBTQ+ disabled people, in Wales have been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic

How we will achieve it?

  • Publish a rapid review of available evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQ+ people.

What the impact will be?

  • LGBTQ+ people feel supported to overcome negative impacts caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

When we will do it?

  • Ongoing.

Who will help achieve this?

  • WG Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Unit / Knowledge and Analytical Services (KAS) (see section “Data and Research”).