Local transport fund, resilient roads fund and ultra low emission vehicle transformation fund: grant assessment criteria 2023 to 2024
Explains the criteria and weighting used to award funding for local transport fund, resilient roads fund and ultra low emission vehicle transformation fund.
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Weighting (W) |
Strategic fit: does the scheme demonstrate a sound case for change? Does it fit with the grant purpose/ objectives? |
10 |
Well-being: does the scheme align with and support the WTS Llwybr Newydd ambitions? Does it maximise contribution to well-being? Does it offer value for money? |
5 |
Management: is the scheme deliverable and have any milestones been explained? Have the delivery risks been identified and mitigated? |
5 |
Affordability: what is the total scheme cost to LTF/ RRF? Scoring: <£0.2m = 5, £0.2m-£0.49m = 4, £0.5m-£0.99m = 3, £1 m-£4.99m = 2, £5m-£9.99m = 1, £10m and over = 0 |
4 |
Match funding: is match funding available? Scoring: 0% = 0, 1%-9% = 1; 10%-19% = 2; 20%-29% = 3; 30%-39% = 4 etc |
4 |
Deliverability: how will the scheme be procured? Is it viable? Does the contract length fit with the grant terms and conditions? |
3 |
Monitoring, evaluation and promotion: does the proposal include plan for monitoring, evaluation and promotion? |
3 |
a) Scoring
5 = Outstanding
4 = Very Good
3 = Good
2 = Adequate
1 = Poor
0 = None or No Evidence
b) Calculation
The weighting is multiplied by the scoring for the assessment values, which are all added together to give the final value.