This consultation ended 23 September 2015.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 317 KB
Original consultation
This consultation is to gather views on the draft National Pathway for Homelessness Services to Children, Young People and Adults in the Secure Estate.
Consultation description
Part 2 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 introduces a new system to tackle homelessness and the threat of homelessness including a far greater emphasis on preventing homelessness in the first place. This has been achieved by strengthening the role of prevention in the duties which Local Authorities owe to homeless people.
Section 70 of the Act outlines the priority need categories for those who require additional support. As a result of s.70 those released from custody are no longer automatically eligible for priority need.
In response to concerns about this change in legislation the then Minister for Housing and Regeneration established the Prisoner Accommodation and Resettlement Working Group to ensure those held in custody would have access to prevention services prior to release.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the National Pathway for Homelessness Services to Children Young People and Adults in the Secure Estate which has been produced by the Working Group in response to concerns around access to the prevention services.
Consultation documents