How we are meeting the skills needs for net zero in 2024 and what is planned going forward.
Actions underway in 2024
Just Transition
We want to ensure that individuals of all ages can receive a high-quality education. Equipping learners with the required skills to secure jobs that provide fair work is crucial. Creating a positive working Wales where businesses and workers can thrive in a net zero economy that champions fairness and equality. It is therefore important that we work collectively with our partners to embed the principles of a fair and Just Transition across everything that we do. Our aim is to mainstream equality into all our actions and to deliver this we are working on a co-produced Action Plan.
We held a Just Transition skills workshop on the 8th February at the Welsh Government offices in Bedwas. The aim of this was to work with stakeholders from equality groups to identify specific issues and challenges faced by disadvantaged groups regarding access to net zero training and learning (in and out of the workplace). It also provided an opportunity to explore ways in which we can approach the future skills needs with a significant focus on equality and opportunity for all.
Further meetings are planned to look at identifying practical actions and solutions that we can take forward to ensure that no one is left behind as move to a Net Zero Economy.
Further Education (FE) Skills Delivery Mapping
A mapping exercise aimed at capturing the current and future provision of Net Zero Skills training in Wales delivered by our Further Education network is underway. A report summarising the findings is due the end of March. The report will help inform future policy and deliver actions to meet the skills needed by industry and employers.
Green Personal Learning Accounts (PLAs) and Personal Learning Accounts are already providing a wide range of courses aimed at upskilling the workforce.
Strengthening Support for Employers
We are undertaking research and a number of mapping exercises aimed at strengthening our understanding of the challenges and barriers faced by employers. Focusing on their understanding of net zero and net zero skills and the investment needed in their workforce. The outcomes will help shape a refreshed skills offer to employers that will be available during 2024.
Glossary of Terminology
A Glossary of Net Zero terminology is being developed that aims to grow everyone’s understanding of net zero skills. It will deliver consistent and clear messaging on Net Zero language, which we hope will clarify a number of areas and provide a shift for us all in the language we use and understand going forward.
Journey to Competence
The aim of the Journey to Competence model, is to detail the various progression pathways in order to demonstrate:
- career options for each occupation or
- new and transitioning job options in each sector
- the range of skills and training options available
The Journey to Competence will ensure the right qualifications are supporting and meeting industry need and delivering a competent and skilled workforce. It will help provide clear options to enable individuals to make an informed career choice for net a range of occupations, which could also support addressing stereotypes. We are working with our partners to develop this model across all sectors.
Refreshed Sector Focus
We are also working closely with sectors and policy colleagues to understand how sectors are changing. Our Net Zero policy recognises that all jobs will change to meet our Net Zero future, some to a lesser degree than others, but they will need to change and adapt and fundamental to that is acquiring new skills and shifts in the way we work.
We will take forward the feedback and outcomes of the consultation and the Sector Roadmaps, looking at new ways to highlight what a sector has to offer and how its changing, how we inspire the workforce of the future into these sectors and occupations as well as highlight the current and future opportunities.
Climate Action Wales now includes information and links on Education, Skills & Careers: Climate Change - Climate Action Wales (
Careers Wales Future Jobs
One area that Climate Action Wales links out to is the Careers Wales website information on Future Jobs. The site now includes Regional data which includes lists of schools and colleges based in their areas and highlights priority sectors. Sector spotlights on Construction, Energy and Health are available with further sectors in development.
Our delivery aims in 2024
- Publish Net Zero Sector Skills consultation findings report.
- Publish and seek feedback on the initial drafts of the Sector Skills roadmaps based on the outcomes of the consultation.
- Continue to develop our understanding of the skills needed to support our key sectors.
- Deliver a range of awareness raising events across Wales, and virtually, aimed at sharing the outcomes of the consultation and to seek feedback on the draft roadmaps will be held at the start of the next financial year.
- Create and raise awareness of a refreshed employer support package that includes highlighting the benefits of skills and upskilling opportunities to businesses.
- Complete a review of the wider Skills system including the offer for individuals.
- Strengthened website content and general information, including further case studies that highlight the existing actions across Wales that are contributing to our net zero journey and that showcase the benefits of investing in skills and inspiring our workforce of the future.
- Publish a Just Transition Skills Action Plan.
Completed Actions for 2023
Published our net zero skills action plan in February 2023
Following extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, we have published our first action plan. The plan sets out across 7 priority areas, 36 actions aimed at delivering skills that support the transition to net zero.
Net zero sector skills consultation launched in October 2023
The consultation aims to build on the information and intelligence captured in the Net zero skills action plan. The consultation window closed on 31 December 2023 and was aimed at all stakeholders with an interest in contributing and shaping the skills needed to support our net zero journey.