Parc Cybi, Holyhead Border Control Post
We are progressing plans for the use of land at Parc Cybi, known as ‘Plot 9, Holyhead’ as a border control post.
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The site will be used to inspect goods entering Wales from the EU via the Port of Holyhead. This includes sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) goods such as:
- animals
- plants
- products of animal origin.
Depending on the product, most inspections will be carried out by:
- local authorities
- Port Health Authorities
- Animal and Plant Health Agency.
The BCP site will include parking areas for HGVs and other vehicles. Security measures and facilities will enable the checking of goods. The site lies to the south-east of the HRMC Inland Border Facility (IBF) and provides convenient transport links with nearby access to and from the Port of Holyhead and the A55 linking with mainland Wales.
Find out more about border control posts (BCPs) and why they are needed in Wales: Post EU-exit border controls and infrastructure

The border control post will consist of separate inspection facilities for plant produce, small animals and horses. Offices are located on the first floor, alongside welfare and changing facilities. The site is designed to all HGV sizes.
Site staff will include fully trained security personnel and emergency response staff. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras will be positioned across the site to monitor site activities. Secure perimeter fencing will also be installed.
After entering the site, vehicles will be directed to an inspection bay suitable for the load being inspected. During inspection, vehicle drivers must remain at the site unless instructed otherwise. Once the checks have been completed, the vehicle will leave the site to continue its journey.
Find out more about the operation of the BCP, including how impact on the local area will be managed: Parc Cybi, Holyhead Border Control Post: common questions

Scheme details
- the Parc Cybi site is already allocated by the Local Planning Authority for commercial development.
- the site will be staffed 24/7, with security marshals at the site at all times.
- up to 15 vehicles are expected at the site in a typical 24-hour period for an inspection.
- safe access will be provided for pedestrians and non-HGV vehicles at the site.
- up to 30 employees expected at the site over a 24-hour period, including approximately 5 marshals required to safely manage vehicles and pedestrians within the facility.
- employment opportunities will be created for local people.
- some 45 staff car parking spaces are being provided including provision for electric vehicle charging.
- to maintain bio-security, separate inspection bays will be provided for different SPS products, small animals, and horses.

Traffic flow and access
Directing vehicles to the border control post
The site is located close to the Strategic Road Network and the Port of Holyhead and the site will be directly accessible from the A55. Signage would be in place to direct drivers to site from the Port. In the event of any closures of the A55, the A5 would be used to access the site.
Prominent road signage
There will be prominent bilingual road signage that directs HGV drivers to the border control post. There will also be signs outside the site entrance to advise hauliers about the use of site facilities and providing site contact details.
Entry and exit points at the facility
There will be one point of access and egress to the site. HGVs will be separated by the site design, whereby HGVs arriving will be directed into dedicated holding lanes and HGVs egressing will be directed out via the existing site egress.
Staff will access and egress the site via the existing site access/egress point but would be directed to a dedicated staff car park.
Measures will be implemented to discourage drivers from exiting the site and using the highway towards Trearddur Bay Country Park.
Find out more about how traffic will be managed: Parc Cybi, Holyhead Border Control Post: common questions
Environment and landscaping
A landscape strategy has been developed at the site which will provide measures to minimise the potential for adverse environmental effects.
As part of the SDO process, an environmental report has been produced. This assessment takes into consideration air quality, cultural heritage, landscape and visual effects, biodiversity, road drainage and water, and noise. The report also considers geology and soils, material assets and waste, population and health, climate, and cumulative effects. A Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) has also been produced. Please see Planning Documents section on this webpage to access these reports.
How we consulted
In August 2021 we applied under section 59(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to use Plot 9, Parc Cybi site. This application was made under the requirements of a Special Development Order (SDO).
The SDO application seeks a permanent consent for a border control post. This sets out required limits on the facility's construction and operational stages. This includes aspects such as the building height and noise.
Read the outcome of the 2021 consultation: Parc Cybi Border Control Post: Special Development Order
31 January 2024
Import pre-notification for Products of Animal Origin (POAO) and Export Health Certificates on imports of medium-risk animal products, plants, plant products and high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin from the EU, other than Qualifying Northern Ireland Goods, went live on 31 January 2024.
The Welsh Government continues to discuss the schedule for the implementation of identity and physical checks on goods requiring inspection from the island of Ireland with the UK and Scottish governments. This website will be updated when we are able to announce the remaining schedule.
29 August 2023
The UK Government has now released the final Border Target Operating Model, which lays out the new processes for security controls (applying to all imports), and sanitary and phytosanitary controls (applying to imports of live animals, animal products, plants and plants products). The changes laid out by the Border Target Operating Model will be phased in gradually, beginning with the pre-notification and certification process in January 2024.
20 April 2023
Planning permission has been granted via a Statutory Development Order (SDO) under section 59(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Periods of public and technical stakeholder consultation have now closed.
View the SDO: The Town and Country Planning (North Wales Border Control Post) (EU Exit) Special Development Order 2023 (
16 November 2022
In April this year, the UK Government announced the further introduction of border controls would be suspended until the end of 2023. A revised border approach is currently in development.
Following this revision of border controls the Border Control Post facility in Holyhead is now planned to be smaller than initially envisaged, this allows for some land to continue to be used for HGV parking and the SDO is being amended to reflect this.
Welsh Government invited residents and technical stakeholders to comment on these proposals. You can view the letter and the revised site plan: Amendments to Parc Cybi Border Control Post, Holyhead Special Development Order. Construction on the site is expected to commence in early 2023 with an operational date of early 2024.
April 2022
Kier were appointed in April 2022 as the contractor for the proposed BCP.
10 March 2022
The Welsh Government Minister for Economy has appointed the contractor for the design stage of the proposed Border Control Post at Parc Cybi.
During this stage the contractor will work with Welsh Government to produce detailed designs for the facility, confirm a cost and timetable. For more information see: Written Statement: Update on Border Control Posts
Construction work on the proposed site at Plot 9, Parc Cybi, Holyhead will not start until the build stage of the contract is agreed, expected in the summer 2022. The build stage is also subject to the granting of planning permission via a Special Development Order (SDO) – a decision is expected in May 2022.
7 December 2021
The views of individuals and organisations on the proposals during a public consultation during March to April 2021 have been recorded in a consultation engagement report: Parc Cybi Border Control Post: Special Development Order. All comments have been taken account of and used to inform the planning process.
Officials have drafted a more general update on the progress of the Parc Cybi Border Control Post below, and provided a concept plan for how the build will look. This plan is subject to change. Any changes will be within the Consenting Envelope, which limits the size and scope of the Border Control Post as explained in the progress update and the FAQs below.
29 October 2021
Current position on BCP design and delivery in Wales.
Holyhead Port: site
The Holyhead BCP will be located on Welsh Government owned land at Parc Cybi, Holyhead, some 1.7 miles from the port. The site has already been partially developed as a HGV stacking area as part of the contingency planning for the end of the EU transition period. At 15 acres it provides space for swim lanes, fencing, inspection buildings, offices, parking, sustainable drainage, screening and other environmental mitigations.
Holyhead Port: planning
Planning permission was obtained via Special Development Order (SDO) under section 59 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Planning permission and any conditions are made through a Statutory Instrument (SI). The planning application was submitted to Welsh Ministers on 6 August 2021 and was subsequently granted by the Welsh Government Minister for Climate Change.
The application proposed a ‘Consenting Envelope’. This set out a maximum limit for the assessed parameters of the development, within which all development will be limited. The Consenting Envelope will ensure that the final design of the BCP does not trigger significant environmental effects, whilst also allowing an appropriate degree of flexibility to accommodate design developments. In addition, the SDO limitations were designed to mitigate the potential impacts of the development.
There is no statutory requirement to consult before making a SDO. However, community consultation was undertaken for a period of 21 days from 24 March 2021 until 13 April 2021 and technical stakeholders received an extended period. The consultation departed from the Welsh Government policy of allowing a 12-week period. This departure was to allow for early engagement with stakeholders before major planning of the BCP began so that their views could be taken into account whilst meeting the timelines for the introduction of checks, as set out in the UK Government’s Border Operating Model (BOM).
Holyhead Port: designs
The BCP is a bespoke facility designed to accommodate checks on the full range of SPS controls on live animals, animal products, plants, plant products and wood from the EU and the possible acceptance of rest of world (ROW) SPS trade.
At 15 acres, the site will provide space for:
- swim lanes,
- fencing,
- inspection buildings,
- temperature controlled storage
- offices
- parking
- sustainable drainage
- screening and
- other environmental mitigations.
Detailed designs have been completed by the appointed construction Contractor (Kier Construction). A BREEAM assessment of the development’s environmental, social and economic sustainability performance is being undertaken with a target rating of BREEAM Excellent.
Holyhead Port: construction
Welsh Government issued the construction invitation to tender (ITT) on 9 August 2021 and it closed on 23 September 2021. The ITT was issued via the North Wales construction Partnership framework, administered by Denbighshire County Council.
A 2 stage design and build procurement strategy has been selected. The 2 stage approach is structured as follows:
- stage 1: contractor’s design team works alongside Client design team to improve deliverability, programme works, establish supply chain and refine project cost.
- stage 2: on agreement of project cost established at end of Stage 1, the contract for the construction works will be confirmed and the Contractor will commence site works.
The stage 1 contract is expected to be awarded in 2022. The award does not prejudice the outcome of the SDO decision.
The contract for main construction work was awarded to Kier Construction on 27 February 2024.
Construction completion is expected in early 2025.
Help and support
If you have a query about the programme please contact us:
Further information
Parc Cybi, Holyhead Border Control Post: common questions
Read the public consultation response to the SDO planning application: Parc Cybi Border Control Post: Special Development Order
Planning documents: Parc Cybi, Holyhead Border Control Post: documents