Booklets and information sheets to support parents
Booklets and information sheets
Booklet on understanding and responding to children’s behaviour in the early years
This booklet provides positive parenting information on how you can understand and respond to your child's emotions and behaviours throughout their development.
Managing Big Feelings and Big Behaviours
This handy sheet gives useful information on what to do when your child has a tantrum.
Managing biting
Tips and advice to tackle biting.
Managing potty training
Useful tips for toilet and potty training and suggestions for helping them stay dry at night time.
Understanding brain development
This handy sheet provides information on how your baby’s brain develops and what your baby’s brain needs to develop well.
Understanding and responding to a crying baby
Helpful suggestions to cope with a crying baby and how to manage stress.
Understanding and soothing a crying toddler
Advice on how to understand and sooth a crying toddler.
Managing shopping trips
Suggestions on making that shopping trip less stressful with your little ones.
Managing mealtimes
This helpful sheet provides information on managing mealtimes and dealing with choosy and messy eaters.
Managing bedtime
This handy sheet gives useful information on creating a bedtime routine and helping to reduce stress.
Managing bathtimes
This handy sheet provides information on managing bathtimes with your little ones from birth to age 3.
Ten tips to help you support your child's development (0 to 4)
Find out what you can do as a parent to help your child’s development.
Understanding and responding to children’s behaviour
Advice to help you support your child's emotions and behaviour throughout their development.
Little Book of Feelings
Helping your child to understand and name their feelings is a great way of helping them deal and cope with their emotions.
Take time to think about how you respond to tricky or unwanted behaviour
Advice on how to take time to think about how you respond to tricky or unwanted behaviour.
Model the behaviour you want to see more of
Advice on how to be your child’s role model.
Make time for praise
Helpful suggestions to encourage positive behaviour.
Positive parenting top tips: 0 to 7 years
Top tips for using reward charts
Reward charts can be used to encourage and praise your child for positive behaviour.
Supporting your child if one parent lives or works away
This handy sheet provides some hints and tips to support a child when one parent lives or works away from where the child is based.
Supporting your child to make friends
This handy sheet provides some hints and tips to help support your child to make friends.
Supporting a child to learn how to share
This handy sheet provides some hints and tips to support a child to learn how to share.
Supporting a child when they start nursery or school
This handy sheet provides some hints and tips to support a child when they start nursery or reception for the first time.
Here are tips for making routines fun and effective.
Balancing Screen Time
Here are tips on how to limit screen time, with as little stress as possible.
Helping children to cope with bereavement
Here are some helpful tips to follow, for parents or caregivers, seeking to support a grieving child.
Supporting children when a parent goes to prison
Some helpful advice on what to tell children and how to support them.
Top tips for parents with children 8-12 years of age
No matter what their age, our children always need our help, support and guidance to help them make the right choices in their life.
Positive parenting top tips: 8 to 18 years
Top tips for parents of teenagers
Advice to help you support your teenager’s emotions and behaviour throughout their development.
Top tips for staying positive in the winter
Help and advice as a parent for staying positive during the winter months.
Top tips for staying positive in spring/summer
Help and advice as a parent for staying positive during the spring/summer.
Top tips for looking after your wellbeing while working from home
Help and advice on supporting your mental wellbeing while working from home.
Make time to look after yourself and manage stress
Advice on how to make time to look after yourself and manage stress.
Taking care of you and your family: for parents
Advice and support for dealing with difficult circumstances.
Taking care of you and your family: for grandparents
Advice and support for helping your family with difficult circumstances.