Information on age and sex of casualty, type of road, speed limit, location, type of vehicle involved and time of accident for 2016.
This is the latest release in the series: Pedestrian road casualties
Series information:
Main points
All pedestrian casualties
- In 2016, 199 people were killed or seriously injured (KSI) on Welsh roads. Of these, 14 were fatal and 185 were seriously injured. 594 pedestrian casualties were slightly injured.
- In 2016, there were 793 pedestrian casualties which was the lowest recorded figure since 1979.
- When compared to 2015, there were decreases in the casualties killed (36%), casualties seriously injured (1%) and slightly injured (7%) in 2016.
- In 2016, pedestrians accounted for around 1 in 6 of all KSI casualties (18%) and 1 in 10 (10%) of all slight casualties.
Child (aged 0 to 15) pedestrian casualties
- There were no pedestrian fatalities in 2016, down from 2 in 2015.
- There were 55 child KSI pedestrian casualties in 2016. This is a 25% increase when compared to the 2015 figures.
- They account for 30% of all pedestrian casualties.
- They are associated with journeys to and from school with numbers of casualties peaking at 8am and 3pm during the week.

Pedestrian road casualties, 2016 , file type: PDF, file size: 860 KB
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Ryan Pike
Telephone: 0300 025 6415
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.
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Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.