This consultation ended 5 August 2012.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 336 KB
Original consultation
This is a joint consultation with the Department of Education on proposals to reform the procedures safeguarding children who take part in performances.
Consultation description
The 1968 Child Performance Regulations and three sets of amendment regulations govern the safeguarding arrangements for children who take part in performances. The legislation seeks to safeguard the health welfare and education of children taking part in performances from a variety of risks.
However the regulations are too detailed and prescriptive in some respects. Following an independent review to consider the issues and challenges arising from the legislation officials have been working with partners to consider what changes are required to the law. Our aim is to ensure that robust protections are in place to safeguard children but that these measures are proportionate and can facilitate opportunities for children to perform.
Consultation documents