This consultation ended 26 November 2015.
Reviewing responses
The responses to this consultation are currently being reviewed. Details of the outcome will be published here in due course.
Original consultation
Chapter 10 of Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and Technical Advice Note 4 (TAN4) sets out the Welsh Government's current national planning policies for retail development and retail centres.
Consultation description
PPW promotes established retail centres as the most appropriate locations for retailing and other complementary functions.
The aim of the review is to update PPW Chapter 10 and TAN4 so that it is in line with a Welsh Government objective to enhance the vitality attractiveness and viability of established centres.
The principal areas of change in PPW are:
- revised objectives for retail planning policy including the need for flexibility in responding to market changes
- stronger emphasis on the need for retail policies to be framed by a retail strategy in Local Development Plans (LDPs) which is complemented by masterplans and place plans to assist in the delivery of the strategy
- the requirement for LDPs to set-out a locally-derived hierarchy of centres
- clearer guidance on uses subject to the sequential test
- revised policies for dealing with new uses and centres undergoing change and a consistent approach to terminology.
TAN4’s revision is comprehensive and in its draft form now reflects and supports the guidance set out in the updated draft of PPW Chapter 10. TAN4 provides further technical advice on the following topic areas:
- retailing objectives
- centre hierarchies
- retail strategies masterplans and place plans
- retail needs tests
- the sequential test
- retail frontages
- changes of use and development management
- Local Development Orders
- monitoring indicators.
Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 204 KB

Draft Planning Policy Wales Chapter 10: Retail Centre Development , file type: PDF, file size: 157 KB

Draft Technical Advice Note 4: Retail Centre Development , file type: PDF, file size: 235 KB