This consultation ended 12 June 2016.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 623 KB
Original consultation
Chapter 6 sets out our current national planning policy for consideration of the historic environment through the planning system.
Consultation description
Planning Policy Wales (PPW) provides national planning policy supporting the protection of the historic environment through the planning system. The planning policy contained within chapter 6 has not substantially changed since the first version of PPW was published in 2002. Changes to the current Chapter 6 of PPW are proposed to ensure:
- our national planning policy fully meets our objectives for a well-protected and accessible historic environment that contributes to quality of life and place
- our policy accounts for a suite of recent legislation and guidance that has or is in the process of being prepared for the protection and sustainable management of the Welsh historic environment.
We are seeking the views of local planning authorities developers and interested stakeholders on the revised chapter 6 of PPW.
Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 120 KB