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Responsibilities of the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning


  • Support and advice to assist the establishment, growth or development of business (including export support and inward Investment)
  • International Trade policy, including coordination of matters relating to the UK/EU Trade
  • Major events
  • Tata
  • Entrepreneurship, enterprise and business information
  • Arms-length oversight of Cardiff Airport
  • Aviation policy
  • Energy policy including small-medium scale energy production, domestic energy, energy efficiency
  • Renewable Energy
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Development Bank of Wales
  • Community Bank
  • Promotion of Wales as a location for Business and Investment
  • Ports policy, including freeports
  • City / Growth Deals
  • Acquisition, management and disposal of Welsh Government-owned property assets relating to economic development
  • Business Wales
  • Regulatory Framework for responsible business practices, growth and competitiveness
  • Foundational Economy
  • Social Enterprise and the social economy
  • Co-operative economy
  • Science: development of science policy, including liaison with the Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales 
  • Life Sciences
  • Research and Innovation, including research and development, knowledge transfer and commercialisation; maximising research and innovation income, and Research Centres of Excellence
  • Digital connectivity infrastructure, including Public Sector Broadband Aggregation, fast broadband and mobile
  • Cross Government Digital and Data Policy & Strategy
  • EU Structural Funds / Future Regional Investment
  • Oversight and implementation of the Planning Acts and all aspects of planning policy and the determination of called-in planning applications and appeals
  • Planning gain – Section 106 Agreements contained in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
  • Developments of National Significance: determination of planning applications and connected consents
  • Building regulations
  • Future Wales: the national plan 2040
  • National Infrastructure Commission
  • Retail
  • Tourism
  • Hospitality Sector


Rebecca Evans was first elected to the National Assembly for Wales in May 2011 to represent the Mid and West Wales region. In 2016 she became Assembly Member for Gower.

Rebecca received a degree in History from the University of Leeds, and a Master of Philosophy degree in Historical Studies from Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge. Before being elected, Rebecca worked in the third sector.

In June 2014, Rebecca was appointed Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, and in May 2016 she became Minister for Social Services and Public Health. In November 2017, she was appointed Minister for Housing and Regeneration, and in December 2018 she joined the Cabinet as Minister for Finance and Trefnydd. On 13 May 2021 Rebecca was appointed Minister for Finance and Local Government. On 21 March 2024, Rebecca was appointed Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution & Cabinet Office.

Rebecca was appointed Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning on 11 September 2024.

Writing to Rebecca Evans