This consultation ended 2 August 2012.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 163 KB
Original consultation
We want your feedback on proposals to replace the Criteria for Initial Teacher Training Accreditation by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales 2006, as amended.
Consultation description
This would introduce revised requirements for the provision of initial teacher training courses in Wales. They would include statutory requirements for the assessment of trainees’ personal literacy and numeracy skills. They would ensure that the teaching of literacy and numeracy forms an integral part of initial teacher training courses. The proposals include a number of supporting changes and updating amendments.
The consultation also proposes similar changes to the Employment-based Teacher Training Scheme. We aim to ensure that the approach to literacy and numeracy in Initial Teacher Training is on the same basis whether it is undertaken through university courses or through school based training.
Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 103 KB