This consultation ended 24 April 2014.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 184 KB
184 KB
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List of bodies / organisations informed of the consultation , file type: PDF, file size: 55 KB
55 KB
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Index of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 42 KB
42 KB
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Responses - part 1 , file type: PDF, file size: 20 MB
20 MB
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Responses - part 2 , file type: PDF, file size: 18 MB
18 MB
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Original consultation
We want your views on updated guidance on conditions for planning approvals.
Consultation description
Welsh Office Circular 35/95 gives guidance on the use of planning conditions. It contains an appendix with model conditions. Although much of this guidance is still relevant we need to publish an updated version to include:
- recommendations made in recent studies
- changes to legislation guidance case law and practice since 1995.
This proposed new circular will bring advice up to date. It will give a new list of standard conditions to help promote best practice in the use of planning conditions in Wales.
Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 160 KB
160 KB
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Draft Circular , file type: PDF, file size: 385 KB
385 KB
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