Terms of reference
The terms of reference for the Science Advisory Council for Wales (SACW) are as follows:
To advise the Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales (CSAW) and through him or her the Welsh Government on a broad range of scientific issues and science-related policies that will grow and sustain Wales’ economy and raise quality of life for the people of Wales; address the scientific evidential needs of Wales for problems it faces and enhance Wales as a nation engaged with and supportive of science.
The SACW will provide advice to the CSAW on science strategy, policy and priorities to allow the Welsh Government to make effective use of available scientific advice, knowledge and techniques in formulating and implementing policies to support the full range of its objectives.
The SACW will take a medium to long term strategic view, using horizon scanning, in formulating its advice.
The SACW has a purely advisory role and does not direct any research expenditure or hold any statutory responsibilities.