Information on the number of sales through the Right to Buy scheme and voluntary sales for April 2017 to March 2018.
This is not the latest release in the series: Social landlord housing sales
Series information:
Main points
- During 2017-18, the number of sales decreased by 8%, compared to the previous year, to 538.
- Local authority sales were down by over a fifth (21%) to 119 dwellings during 2017-18. Sales of Registered Social Landlord (RSL) dwellings were down by 3% (to 419 dwellings).
- Since 2008-09, the majority of all social landlord housing sales have been by RSLs. During 2017-18, RSL sales accounted for over three quarters (78%) of all social landlord housing sales.
- ‘Voluntary and Other’ sales (including extra care housing) accounted for over half (56%) of all sales for the second year running. This varied by landlord type, with statutory sales accounting for 93% of all local authority sales, but only 30% of all RSL sales.

Social landlord housing sales, April 2017 to March 2018 , file type: PDF, file size: 762 KB
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Judith David
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