Information on the number of social landlord housing sales in Wales and their impact on dwelling stock for April 2018 to March 2019.
This is not the latest release in the series: Social landlord housing sales
Series information:
Main points
- During 2018-19, the number of sales increased by 49%, compared to the previous year, to 801. This is likely to be due to the ending of the Right to Buy and Right to Acquire Schemes in January 2019 (see report).
- Local authority sales were up by over a third (35%) to 161 dwellings during 2018-19. Sales of registered social landlord (RSL) dwellings were up by over half (53%) to 640 dwellings.
- Since 2008-09, the majority of all social landlord housing sales have been by RSLs accounting for 80% of all social landlord housing sales during 2018-19.
- Unlike the previous 2 years, the majority of sales during 2018-19 (55%) were statutory sales via the Right to Buy or Right to Acquire schemes with ‘Voluntary and Other’ sales (including extra care housing) accounted for the remaining 45%. This may be due to an increase in those applying to make use of the Right to Buy and Right to Acquire schemes ahead of their final abolition for existing stock in January 2019.

Social landlord housing sales, April 2018 to March 2019 , file type: PDF, file size: 773 KB
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Judith David
Telephone: 0300 025 5055
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.
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