Proposed Development at Bargoed Retail Plateau, east of Hanbury Road and west of Angel Way/A469, Bargoed, in the County Borough of Caerphilly.

The Stopping Up of Highways (Bargoed Retail Plateau, Bargoed) Order 2011 (2011 No.48) , file type: PDF, file size: 109 KB

The Stopping Up of Highways (Bargoed Retail Plateau, Bargoed) Order 2011 (2011 No.48) - plan , file type: PDF, file size: 2 MB
This Order will enable a mixed use development including a supermarket and retail units, restaurants and cafes, financial and professional services, cinema, residential accommodation including car parking, a new public square, new pedestrian links, new vehicular access, highway improvements, landscaping and boundary treatments and a new petrol station and forecourt shop in accordance with planning permission granted under Part III of the Act of 1990 by the Council on 28 July 2011 under reference 11/0259/OUT.