This Order will stop up highways to allow development to take place in accordance with planning permission granted by the local authority.

Stopping up Channel View road, Cardiff: Order , file type: PDF, file size: 215 KB

Stopping up Order Channel View road, Cardiff Order 2023: 1st public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 152 KB

Stopping up Order Channel View road, Cardiff: plan , file type: PDF, file size: 940 KB
This Order authorises the stopping up of highway for Hybrid application for mixed-use development.
Outline permission for: the redevelopment and extension of part of the channel view estate for up to:
- 319 residential apartments and houses
- up to 285 square metres of retail floorspace
- communal gardens incorporating allotments and picnic areas
- formal and informal children's play space
- landscaping
- cyclepaths/footpaths
- drainage infrastructure
- roads and parking
- the regeneration of the marl public open space to include new/improved sports pitches
- children's play space, a new 'beach'
- water features, landscaping, and cyclepaths/footpaths
- the provision of a new bus/cycle/pedestrian link between Channel View Road and South Clive Street and a new cycle/pedestrian link between South Clive street and Ferry road
- the provision of a new parking area
- together with associated works (all matters reserved for future consideration).
Full permission is sought for:
- a first phase of development comprising of new tower blocks (8-13 storeys) providing 81 older persons (over 55s)
- community-living accommodation units
- a 115 square metres community cafe
- communal gardens incorporating allotments and picnic areas
- landscaping, drainage infrastructure
- footpaths
- roads
- parking and associated works.
In accordance with outline planning permission granted under Part 3 of the 1990 Act by the County Council of the City and County of Cardiff on 15 December 2021 with reference 21/01666/MJR.