This Order will stop up an area of highway for the demolition of Ringland Centre, 6no. bungalows and library and construction of approximately 170no. homes and 1700 square metres of a1/a2/a3 floorspace, landscaping, internal road network, car parking and associated infrastructure, in accordance with outline planning permission granted under Part 3 of the 1990 Act by Newport City Council 3 October 2019 with reference 18/1181 and the approval of reserved matters granted on 19 January 2022 with reference 19/1272.

Stopping Up of Highways - Footway Cot Farm Gardens, Ringland Regeneration, Newport (Draft Order) , file type: PDF, file size: 188 KB

1st Public Notice - Stopping Up Order - Footway Cot Farm Gardens, Ringland Regeneration, Newport (Signed) , file type: PDF, file size: 123 KB

Stopping up order - Plan: Footway Cot Farm Gardens , file type: PDF, file size: 368 KB
The stopping up of a length of the existing highway is considered necessary to facilitate this development.