This Order will stop up highways to allow development to take place in accordance with planning permission granted by the Local Authority.

The Stopping Up Of Highways (Silurian Road, Undy, Caldicot NP26 3EL) Order 2023 , file type: PDF, file size: 190 KB
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The Stopping Up Of Highways (Silurian Road, Undy, Caldicot NP26 3EL) Order 2023:public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 127 KB
127 KB
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The Stopping Up Of Highways (Silurian Road, Undy, Caldicot NP26 3EL) Order 2023:plan , file type: PDF, file size: 366 KB
366 KB
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Development of 13.8 hectares of land for residential use and employment use; up to 266 Proposed residential units and approximately 5575 square metres of B1 floor space at Rockfield Farm, The Elms, Undy, Caldicot, Monmouthshire.