This consultation ended 9 August 2019.
Summary of outcome
The summary of responses is now available.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 684 KB
684 KB
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Original consultation
We want your views on preventing and reducing substance misuse in Wales
Consultation description
People who misuse substances cause considerable harm to themselves, their families and communities.
We are consulting on proposals, which include:
- responding to associated mental health problems
- improving partnership working with housing and homelessness services
- ensuring that prisons have a coordinated service for those with substance misuse problems
- providing further support for families and carers of people who misuse substances
- improving access to services
- tackling dependence on prescription-only and over-the-counter medicines
Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB
1 MB
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