This consultation ended 30 May 2012.
Details of outcome

Summary of responses , file type: PDF, file size: 388 KB
Original consultation
A green paper on a new approach to natural resource management in Wales.
Consultation description
Wales' nature land water and air are our ultimate resources - the basis on which everything else is possible. If we are to realise our aspirations for better quality of life and future prospects we need to ensure that these resources are put to best and most sustainable use.
A Living Wales
In 2010 we consulted on A Living Wales our new framework for our environment our countryside and our seas. Our aim is to ensure that Wales has increasingly resilient and diverse ecosystems that deliver economic environmental and social benefits.
Within this our aims are to:
- set our priorities to address the risks and opportunities before us;
- simplify and join-up our approach to managing our natural resources;
- provide increasing certainty and clarity for all those who use the environment.
This consultation
The consultation sought your views on proposed changes to the governance and delivery of the management and regulation of the environment in Wales based on the ecosystem approach. An ecosystem refers to living things and how they interact with each other and their environment. This work will inform future Welsh Bills.
This is a challenge which will require new thinking. We launched this consultation to find out if there is an appetite for radical change and whether the suggested building blocks we propose are the right ones.
Mapping tools
We are working on tools that use interactive maps to provide information on the environment.
The Biodiversity Planning Toolkit is an online resource aimed at helping users to incorporate biodiversity into the planning and new development.
Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 567 KB

Executive summary , file type: PDF, file size: 87 KB