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The Technical Advisory Cell provides coordination of scientific and technical advice to support Welsh Government decision makers during emergencies.

The Technical Advisory Cell provides:

  • regular weekly updates to senior Welsh Government officials about emerging SAGE outputs, Welsh modelling forecasts and up-to-date situation reports
  • modelling forecasts for NHS Wales, Local Resilience Forums and Strategic Coordination Groups
  • technical briefings to external stakeholders to inform discussion
  • advice about SAGE outputs for policy officials
  • coordination for the wider Technical Advisory Group and its associated subgroups, in addition to publication of TAG consensus statements to support planning and decision making

The Technical Advisory Group meets 2 times a week and includes scientific and technical experts from across Welsh Government, NHS Wales and academia who provide advice and guidance to the Welsh Government in response to Covid-19.

This advice and guidance is brought together to form Technical Advisory Group Consensus Statements that sit alongside the weekly Technical Advisory Cell summary of advice situation reports.