This Order will stop up highways to allow development to take place in accordance with planning permission granted by the local authority.

The stopping up of highways (69 to 70 The Kingsway, Swansea) Order 2022 , file type: PDF, file size: 331 KB

The stopping up of highways (69 to 70 The Kingsway, Swansea) Order 2022: public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 230 KB

The stopping up of highways (69 to 70 The Kingsway, Swansea) Order 2022: plan , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB
This Order will stop up an area of highway to enable the change of use of a former bank (classes A2 / B1) to a mixed commercial use on the ground floor (classes A1 / A2 / A3) and business use (class B1) on the first and second floors with external refurbishment including the recladding of the elevations and the addition of two ground floor accesses on the front (north) and rear (south) elevations, to be carried out in accordance with planning permission granted under Part 3 of the 1990 Act by the Council on 3 August 2020 under reference 2020/1437/FUL.
The stopping up of an area of the existing highway is considered necessary to facilitate this development.