This Order will stop up an area of highway to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permission granted under Part 3 of the 1990 Act by the Council of the City of Newport on 1 December 2021 with reference number 20/1138.

The Stopping up of Highways (Telford Street, Newport) Order 2022 , file type: PDF, file size: 170 KB
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The Stopping up of Highways (Telford Street, Newport) Order 2022: public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 124 KB
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The Stopping up of Highways (Telford Street, Newport) Order 2022: plan , file type: PDF, file size: 297 KB
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The proposed construction of 54 residential units, access, stopping up of highway, engineering operations, landscaping, drainage and associated works.
The stopping up of a length of the existing highway is considered necessary to facilitate this development.