Tidal lagoon challenge
Subsidy reference SC.10890 - scheme to quantify the benefits of tidal lagoon development in Wales and address the barriers to progress.
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Point to note
If you are using this scheme to provide awards of subsidy, you must inform the Subsidy Control Unit – email: scu@gov.wales.
1. Region
2. Title of subsidy scheme
Tidal Lagoon Challenge
3. UK legal basis
The powers of the Welsh Ministers which allow the Welsh Government to support enterprises under the scheme are contained in:
- The Government of Wales Act 2006 (sections 58A and 60(1)(c))
The scheme and all subsidies provided under the scheme will comply with the UK subsidy control regime.
4. Objectives of the scheme
The policy objectives of the scheme are to:
- understand and address barriers that have, to date, prevented tidal lagoon development in Wales, and
- quantify the potential benefits that may be realised through tidal lagoon development in Wales.
This is in line with the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government commitment to “Develop a Tidal Lagoon Challenge and support ideas that can make Wales a world centre of emerging tidal technologies”.
5. Public authority(ies) authorised to implement the scheme
Welsh Government
6. Category(ies) of eligible enterprise
University or similar higher education institution (HEI) organisation, government research establishment, or not-for-profit research and technology organisation (RTO).
7. Sector(s) to be supported
Professional, scientific and technical activities.
8. Duration of the scheme
Start: April 2024
End: April 2028
Duration: 4 Years
9. Budget for aid under the scheme
10. Form of support
All subsidy awarded under the scheme will be awarded by way of grants.
11. Eligibility terms and conditions
Enterprises must be a university or similar higher education institution (HEI) organisation, government research establishment, or not-for-profit research and technology organisation (RTO). Consortium or partnership bids will be allowed, including consortia containing organisations of other types.
Enterprises must be undertaking new research to understand the barriers to, and quantify the benefits of tidal lagoon development in Wales.
Enterprises must be prepared to licence the research so that is freely accessible to the public.
12. Basis for calculating subsidies
Subsidies will be 100% of full economic cost (fEC) calculated in accordance with the TRAC (Transparent Approach to Costing) methodology (universities and other Higher Education bodies) or by an equivalent methodology for other research organisations.
13. Maximum subsidy allowable under the scheme
14. Contact information
Subsidy Control Unit
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
Cardiff CF10 3NQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: + 44 (0)3000 604 400
Email: subsidycontrolunit@gov.wales
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.