This consultation ended 2 May 2012.
Details of outcome

Joint Defra and Welsh Government summary of responses and Government response , file type: PDF, file size: 346 KB
Original consultation
A Consultation on the principles to be used in determining whether a water abstraction (removal) may cause serious damage.
Consultation description
This is a joint consultation with the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
Who this consultation is aimed at
We welcome responses from anyone interested in the abstraction (removal) of water and its impact on the environment.
Purpose of this consultation
We want your views on the principles to be used in deciding whether to remove or change an abstraction licence to protect:
- waters
- underground strata (layers of rock and sediment)
- plants
- animals.
We would like you to tell us:
- whether the principles set out in the consultation are relevant and appropriate?
- if there are other principles that should be considered?
- do you believe that these principles describe clearly the circumstances in which the Secretary of State or Welsh Ministers may withdraw the right to compensation under Section 27 of the Water Act 2003?
An impact sssessment was prepared for the Water Act 2003 which covered section 27. A new impact assessment has not been prepared for this consultation.
Consultation documents