Terms of reference
Sets out the function, composition, responsibilities and operating arrangements of the Biodiversity Targets Advisory Panel.
The Biodiversity Targets Advisory Panel (‘the Panel’) will provide evidence-based advice and recommendations to Welsh Government on the creation of statutory biodiversity targets in Wales. The Panel will provide expert evidence-based advice, recommendations, and peer review throughout the target creation process, both on the method of target creation and the content of the targets, as well as the development of indicators. This Panel will ensure transparency around target creation.
When setting (and in the longer term, reviewing or amending biodiversity targets) it is proposed that Welsh Ministers must seek advice from persons they consider to be independent and have relevant expertise, and have regard to scientific knowledge on biodiversity. While the Panel will not be statutory, it is intended that this duty will be satisfied by the Welsh Ministers seeking advice from this group.
Membership of the Panel will consist of experts from different disciplines in fields related to biodiversity. This may include advisors with expertise in water, economy, education, and social research, as well as in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine biodiversity.
This Panel will specifically support the development of the targets and will not duplicate work done by existing biodiversity groups, such as the Deep Dive Core Group and subgroups, and the Nature Recovery Action Plan (NRAP) Implementation Group. Instead, it will work alongside these groups, and others, to contribute towards our biodiversity commitments. The Panel will focus on the method and setting of the targets, and less so on the delivery of the targets, as this will fall to existing groups like the NRAP implementation group. These different groups bring together a wide range of organisations and experts across relevant sectors, with a focus on the requirement to comply with international and domestic biodiversity commitments. While the NRAP sets out wide-ranging actions to improve biodiversity in Wales, the Legislative Statement made in the Senedd on 9th July 2024 committed to bring forward a Bill to establish a statutory targets framework to protect and restore biodiversity in Wales which will provide further direction and commitments for nature recovery in Wales.
The figure below illustrates where the Panel will sit alongside existing biodiversity related groups:
Existing groups related to biodiversity
- Biodiversity Deep Dive Core Group and its sub-groups
- Nature Recovery Action Plan Implementation Group and its sub-groups
- Wales Coasts and Seas Partnership (CaSP Cymru)
- Clean Air Advisory Panel
- Pollinator Taskforce
- Welsh Government Green Finance Group
- Wales Fisheries Forum
- Protected Areas Working Group
- Wales Water Management Forum
- Wales Land Management Forum
- Special Areas of Conservation Rivers Oversight Group
Panel members are expected to work within the context of the obligations under the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015. This Act sets out ways of working thinking more about the long term, working better with people and communities, looking to prevent problems and take a more joined-up approach. The Panel will deliver work in line with the Act’s five ways of working by:
- establishing evidence to support the development of long-term targets for nature recovery
- improving the integration of biodiversity evidence provision through improved working practices between public and third sector organisations
- involving stakeholders in the development and delivery of the targets at all stages
- collaborating to ensure well-being objectives are met, and
- focusing on evidence to underpin the development of positive actions which help to prevent future negative impacts on and support the recovery of biodiversity
It will be important to consider fully the impact of current and future evidence required to support the delivery of Welsh Government’s well-being goals set out in the Well-being of Future Generations legislation. They should be considered alongside the impact of the commitments in the proposed targets.
Role of the Panel
The Panel members are expected to work collaboratively to provide the advice and actions necessary to support the development of the statutory targets.
Members are required to:
- independently advise on and peer-review the target development methodology and provide innovative ideas
- independently provide scientific evidence to support the development of the targets, including indicator development
- advise on current evidence in relation to biodiversity loss and nature recovery and its relationship with associated environmental, public health and economic factors
- work collaboratively across government, industry and academia, to ensure actions taken to improve biodiversity in Wales are based on robust evidence
- encourage and maximise opportunities for innovative solutions which help to improve biodiversity
- advise the Welsh Government on future evidence needs and how they can be met
To be achieved by:
- developing and sharing a better understanding of issues facing biodiversity, evidence, and policy requirements across Wales and the UK
- ensuring all parties have the opportunity to advise on possible means of resolving or minimising these issues and maximising potential opportunities for collaboration and innovation
- providing judgements on quality and relevance of evidence and research, suggesting priority areas for future work and advising on how they should be implemented to achieve greatest benefit
- ensuring the right level of evidence is available to enable actions to monitor, assess, model and reduce and reverse biodiversity loss in Wales, as appropriate
- providing ad-hoc advice when specifically requested
- identifying the important questions for consideration and collaborate with other external experts
Welsh Government will provide secretariat for the Panel.
An agenda will be circulated to all members prior to each meeting and meeting notes will be distributed to all members after each meeting. Meeting minutes will be published for transparency of target development.
While membership will be voluntary, reasonable expenses, including travel and in certain circumstances overnight subsistence allowances, will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All travel and subsistence claims will be subject to current Welsh Government rules and paid at current Welsh Government rates.
Meetings / discipline
The Panel will:
- meet approximately once a quarter to discuss current and future evidence requirements in support of biodiversity target development. Meetings may be more frequent in the earlier stages of target development to support decisions, and less frequent in later stages. This will equate to approximately 12 meetings over 36 months. The programme of future meetings will be agreed at the first meeting. Depending on a members expertise meeting frequencies may vary if a specific target requires more or less engagement
- provide impartial, scientifically robust advice
- ensure the correct priorities have been identified for action
- discuss progress against the Panel’s objectives and help identify remedial actions where progress is slow
- ensure any shared Official Sensitive information is handled appropriately and is not disclosed outside of the Panel’s membership
- deputies will only be allowed with prior agreement
- support the secretariat to agree meeting dates at least three months in advance
- meetings will be a mixture of hybrid and in-person. The venue of in-person meetings to be agreed (based on convenience for all) but are likely to be held at Welsh Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff. In these events it may be possible for panellists to use teleconferencing to join a meeting if they are not able to attend in person
- panellists can still provide written comments if they are unable to attend
Panel membership
Panel members will have a range of expertise in the fields of biodiversity which may include research, monitoring, modelling, practical management, or policy, as well as in public or environmental health, education and economics.
While it is anticipated that there will be approximately 15 members contributing to any one topic area, the panel may call upon other experts as necessary relevant to target areas.
The cross-sectoral membership will be circulated once those invited have confirmed their willingness to participate.
Roles and responsibilities of panel members
The Panel members are advisers, helping to ensure that the target development remains on course, that they are capable to deliver the desired outcomes and are of the required quality.
Other attendees may be invited to the Panel to report on areas of responsibility and/or provide advice and guidance. These attendees do not form part of the Panel membership.
Required commitment of membership
Panel members will be required to:
- attend Panel meetings (approximately quarterly and special meetings as necessary)
- ensure Panel discussions take place on a confidential basis and that there are no communications about the outcome of discussions unless first agreed with Welsh Government
- ensure meeting notes follow Chatham House rules
- not publicly comment while discussions are ongoing
- treat any meeting papers as Official Sensitive unless stated otherwise
- review and comment on relevant papers or reports identified by the Panel and deliverables provided to the Panel
- undertake off-line reviews and collaborative work, as required by the target development, in order to facilitate prompt decision making
- make any declaration of interest in the event of a conflict between the deliberations and actions proposed by the Panel and the interest or activities of the individual’s employer, whether commercial or otherwise
- deputies will not be permitted to attend Panel meetings without prior agreement