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  • Permanent Secretary
  • Carys Williams 
  • Mutale Merrill 
  • Aled Edwards 
  • Mike Usher 
  • Tim Moss 
  • Tracey Burke 
  • Sioned Evans 
  • David Richards 
  • Nia James 
  • Dean Medcraft 
  • Amelia John 
  • TUS Representative 
  • Co-Chair of the Shadow Board
  • Future Generations Board Champion 

In attendance 

  • Dylan Hughes 
  • Matt Denham-Jones 
  • Head of Corporate Research and Analysis 
  • Principal Research Officer Corporate Performance 
  • Head of the Welsh Language Improvement Programme 


  • Permanent Secretary’s Office 


  • Judith Paget 
  • Andrew Slade 

1. Welcome/ Current Issues

1.1 The Chair welcomed all to the meeting noting the apologies received. The minutes of 20 September were approved subject to minor amendment.

1.2 The Chair reflected on his recent meeting with the national TUS representatives.

1.3 The Chair drew Board members attention to the 2023/24 Consolidated Accounts (PTN04). Carys Williams sought assurance over the consequences of non-compliance with policies/procedures identified by audits of NHS bodies referenced in the accounts. Matt Denham-Jones responded.

1.4 The Chair noted the First Minister’s recent address to staff. The Co-Chair of the Shadow Board highlighted staff concerns over messaging over hybrid working. Amelia John reminded Board that Welsh Government is a dispersed organisation with offices across Wales. The TUS representative noted the different interpretations of hybrid working and the messaging from UK Government over office attendance and the civil service.

2. Cymraeg it belongs to us all – progress to date and looking ahead to the 2050 objective

2.1 The Chair welcomed Dylan Hughes and the Head of the Welsh Language Improvement Programme to the meeting and invited them to update the Board on progress made during the first 4 years of Welsh Government’s internal use of Welsh strategy ‘Cymraeg. It belongs to us all.’ and the approach to preparing the second 5-year cycle of the strategy for the period from 2025 to 2030.

2.2 Sioned Evans noted the good working relationship with the Welsh Language Commissioner and advocated for being bolder in the organisation’s aspirations for Welsh language skills amongst its staff.

2.3 Dom Houlihan queried how best to support those staff who feel they are unable to learn an additional language for personal reasons and noted the potential conflict between different organisational strategies. Amelia John agreed and noted concerns raised by staff with disabilities and highlighted the importance of considering language rights as part of discussions on equalities.

2.4 Tim Moss queried the extent to which technology could support Welsh Government achieve its ambition and Dom asked how best enhance the organisation’s Translation Services.

2.5 Aled Edwards reminded Board of the legislative pathways that had led to the current position and supported a more vibrant approach to the Welsh language highlighting issues around equalities.

2.6 David Richards thanked Dylan Hughes for his work on this area, noting that this is in addition to his role as First Legislative Counsel.

2.7 Carys Williams noted the potential challenge for first language Welsh speakers when working through English and suggested reflecting on this issue.

2.8 The Co-Chair of the Shadow Board noted that the Welsh language is part of the intersectional nature of the organisation and reflected on the huge amount of enthusiasm amongst staff for the Welsh language and the positive feedback on the training offer to staff.

2.9 Mutale Merrill welcomed the paper and noted that learning Welsh offers an opportunity to connect with the wider community.

2.10 Tracey Burke reflected on approaches taken by the Irish Government to Irish language skills and its staff.

2.11 The Chair thanked all for their contributions and noted that Board reaffirmed its commitment and support for the strategy and noted the approach proposed for the second iteration of the strategy, in conjunction with the Welsh Government’s people strategy.

3. Updates from the Director General for Climate Change and Rural Affairs and Director General for Education, Culture and Welsh Language

3.1 The Chair invited the Directors General in turn to update Board on key issues that their Groups are dealing with or expect to deal with over the coming months

3.2 Aled Edwards noted the challenge of balancing sustainable change against achieving short term goals and highlighted the need to be mindful of the risk of unintended consequences. Aled noted the world leading work Welsh Government had undertaken to support those fleeing the war in Ukraine.

3.3 Carys Williams asked how the Non-executive Directors can best support Directors General and their teams. In response Tracy Burke noted the role that bringing items to Board plays in providing an opportunity for Directors General to pause and reflect on issues.

3.4 The Lead Co-Chair of the Shadow Board emphasised the need for clarity form ministers on their priorities.

3.5 The TUS representative noted the value of the Social Partnership meetings in providing an opportunity to have open and honest discussions on issues.

4. Balanced Score Card 2024/25 – Q2 reporting

4.1 The Board considered the report of performance on key metrics during July, August and September (Q2) in 2024/25 financial year, the first performance reporting using the new balanced scorecard approach.

4.2 The Board noted those areas ExCo has identified for action.

4.3 Mike Usher welcomed the progress made with the balanced score card and the focus on continuous improvement. Carys and Mutale agreed and suggested highlighting successes.

4.4 The Future Generations Champion suggested using the Wellbeing of Future Generations Framework as a source of indicators.

4.5 The Head of Corporate Research and Analysis thanked all for their feedback and noted that the balanced score card compliments other sources of data such as the annual People Survey.

5. Finance update – period 6

5.1 Dean Medcraft updated Board on the in-year finance position based on forecasts submitted by Welsh Government Heads of Finance for the period ending 30 September 2024 (period 6) set against the budgets published in the Welsh Government First Supplementary Budget 2024-25 as adjusted for approved changes to be included in a future budget. The update did not include any additional funding allocated to Wales following the UK Government budget announced on 30 October.

6. AOB

6.1 No items of any other business were raised.