An evaluation of the first three funding rounds to understand the effectiveness of scheme delivery.
This is the latest release
Application process
Marketing, design and assessment of the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme (WMFS) were viewed positively or neutrally by applicants. Views on the application process itself were mixed with some applicants highlighting specific challenges they faced in application. Stakeholders and applicants suggested additional application support could help address challenges with applying.
Due to small application numbers for the first three funding rounds, scale of delivery was modest. However, activity funded through the scheme was delivered as intended. The experience of the claims process was mixed, with individual applicants highlighting specific issues they faced.
Lessons from previous rounds had been taken forward into the fourth funding round. This was seen as a positive step by stakeholders.
Engagement with the sector
The importance of engaging across the fisheries, marine and aquaculture sectors was a repeated finding. This included the need to expand engagement with the sector to ensure sector alignment.
Learning from other schemes
The report also reflected on how other schemes have been delivered in the UK and in Wales specifically which could provide helpful lessons for WMFS.
Short term impacts
Evidence of short-term impacts are limited at this stage. However, qualitative feedback from applicants suggests that equipment purchases has supported safer working practices, increased efficiency and increased capacity for storage / catching.

Process evaluation of the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB
Aimee Krishan
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome correspondence in Welsh.
Telephone: 0300 025 8099
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.