Annual and monthly catch limits for permitted whelk fishing vessels.
In Wales whelk support a high value fishery with:
- landings in the range of 3500 to 7000 tonnes each year
- an estimated first sale value of £4 to £8M
Staged increases in the whelk minimum landing size have allowed more whelk to breed before being captured:
- from 45mm to 55mm in 2019
- from 55mm to 65mm in 2020
We recently introduced further management measures to safeguard the stock and the environment. These include adaptive management to ensure the long term sustainability of the fishery.
Whelk permits
You will need a permit to fish commercially for whelks with pots using a powered vessel. We will issue the permits with conditions which can be varied from time to time to safeguard the stock.
Permit period: 1 March 2024 to 28 February 2025
Permit fee: £304
Annual Catch Limit (ACL): 4,768 tonnes
This is the total amount of whelk which can be taken by all permitted vessels combined, during a permit period.
Flexible Monthly Catch Limit (MCL)
Month | Catch limit |
March | 50 tonnes |
April | 50 tonnes |
May | 50 tonnes |
June | 50 tonnes |
July | 50 tonnes |
August | 50 tonnes |
September | 50 tonnes |
Permit period: 1 March 2023 to 29 February 2024
Permit fee: £285
Annual Catch Limit (ACL): 4,768 tonnes
This is the total amount of whelk which can be taken by all permitted vessels combined, during a permit period.
Flexible Monthly Catch Limit (MCL)
Month | Catch limit |
March | 50 tonnes |
April | 50 tonnes |
May | 50 tonnes |
June | 50 tonnes |
July | 50 tonnes |
August | 50 tonnes |
September | 50 tonnes |
October | 50 tonnes |
November | 50 tonnes |
December | 50 tonnes |
January | 50 tonnes |
February | 50 tonnes |
This is the maximum amount of whelk each permitted vessel can take in a given month. All permitted vessels will get the same MCL, which will be updated here each month.
We will use the MCL to ensure the ACL is not exceeded. This will also ensure that the benefit of the fishery is spread across the permit period in line with historical fishing patterns. (See Whelk fishery - methodology used to calculate catch limits Figure 2 & Figure 3 on page 12 &13)
Total Catch Landed: 3007 tonnes
This is the total whelk landed so far in this permit period.
Permit period: 1 March 2022 to 28 February 2023
Annual Catch Limit (ACL): 5,298 tonnes
This is the total amount of whelk which can be taken by all permitted vessels combined, during a permit period.
Total Catch Landed: 4,250 tonnes
This is the total whelk landed so far in this permit period.