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Latest weather reports and warnings

Visit the Met Office for the latest information on the weather and weather warnings. Its WeatherReady campaign also has lots of advice on how to get ready for winter.


Find flooding advice and information at Natural Resources Wales. You can also sign up for free flood warnings on the NRW website, or by telephoning Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

Transport and traffic

Should snow, ice or flooding affect roads, it's best not to try to drive your car if possible. For real-time advice on traffic and road conditions, visit Traffic Wales.

For public transport information, visit Traveline Cymru.

For information on rail services in Wales visit Transport for Wales.

Schools and local services

Head teachers generally decide if a school should close in severe weather. To find out if your school won’t be open, visit the school’s website or your local authority website.

Your local authority's website will have details of waste collection during severe weather.

Keeping warm

Citizens Advice Bureau has information about Winter Fuel Payments and Cold Weather Payments.

The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme can help you with a range of advice and support. Find out more at NestWales or call Nest on Freephone 0808 808 2244.

Age Cymru offers information on how to keep well, warm and safe over the winter months.

Burst pipes

Find advice on how to protect your water supply and what to do if your supply freezes or a pipe bursts here:

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Hafren Dyfrdwy
Water UK