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Lynne Neagle, Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing

First published:
8 November 2021
Last updated:

Today I am publishing a consultation on our draft long-term tobacco control Strategy, A Smoke-Free Wales and our Delivery Plan Towards a Smoke-free Wales 2022-2024. The draft Strategy sets out our ambition for Wales to be smoke-free Wales by 2030; this means achieving a smoking prevalence rate in adults of 5% or less over the next eight years. To support the delivery of the Strategy, we will put in place a series of two-year delivery plans, starting from 2022-2024 which will set out, in detail the actions that we will undertake and support as we work towards a smoke-free Wales.

The Programme for Government 2021-2025 is clear that tackling health inequalities and focussing on prevention are priorities for the Welsh Government. Smoking is extremely harmful and damaging to health and remains one of the main causes of inequity in health in Wales. I therefore want us to ambitious and to take specific targeted action that will help us to reduce the harms from tobacco in Wales.

The publication of the draft Strategy and Delivery Plan is an opportunity to input on tobacco control in Wales and I am keen to hear everyone’s views. During the consultation process, which will run until 31 January 2022, we also plan to engage stakeholders and the public to hear their views and voices on our approach to tobacco control. I am particularly keen that those most closely affected by smoking and young people are part of that discussion and engagement.

I look forward to considering the responses from the consultation and engagement activities and aim for the Strategy and Delivery Plan to come into effect in spring 2022. I am keen to ensure the Welsh Government is doing everything we can to prevent ill health and support people to make healthier choices for their health and wellbeing, and hope people from across Wales will have their say on how we progress towards building a smoke-free Wales for all.

If Members or stakeholders would like further information on our plans for tobacco control, please contact: