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Rebecca Evans Minister for Social Services and Public Health

First published:
28 November 2016
Last updated:

I am issuing this statement to update Members following the suspension of activities of the Board of Sport Wales.

On Tuesday 22nd November the Vice Chair and Board of Sport Wales unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in the Chair who was not present at the meeting. On Wednesday 23rd November, and with the full agreement of the Chair and the Vice Chair, Ministers suspended all of the Sport Wales Board activities until an assurance review could be completed.

The suspension of activities was a neutral act. In the meantime, the day-to-day activities of Sport Wales continue as normal. Whilst Board activities are suspended, the Chief Executive of Sport Wales will take up matters that would normally have been brought to the attention of the Board to a senior Welsh Government official. This ensures appropriate governance oversight whilst the assurance review takes place.

The terms of reference for the review are set out below:

Terms of Reference

  • to investigate and report upon the circumstances, background and issues relating to the recent vote of no confidence in the Chair by the Board of Sport Wales.
  • to investigate and report upon the governance arrangements of the Sport Wales Board

Out of Scope

The assurance review will not consider the draft review prepared by the Chair of Sport Wales or the wider effectiveness of Sport Wales itself.


The review will be conducted in accordance with the Civil Service Values of honesty, impartiality, integrity and objectivity.  It will be conducted through a series of structured interviews and examination of records, leading to a report to the Director of Governance with evidence, conclusions and recommendations.


The review will be completed within 8 weeks.

I will keep Members informed.