Gwenda Thomas, Deputy Minister for Children and Social Services
I launched Sustainable Social Services for Wales: A Framework for Action in 2011, setting out how the Welsh Government will take social services and social care forward and how we will work with our partners to deliver this transformational change.
Since then, a significant programme of work has been established within Welsh Government to deliver the commitments in Sustainable Social Services. To ensure that we have collective leadership to drive the change and monitor progress I have established the Social Services Partnership Forum, made up of Local Government, Health, the Third and independent sector members.
In March 2011, I wrote to Local Government asking for their proposals for delivering Sustainable Social Services. Their commitment to delivering an implementation plan is locked firmly within the commitments of the wider Local Government Compact.
I am pleased to report that in response to my request for proposals for implementing Sustainable Social Services, I have received a single response from Local Government. This has been completed jointly with the Association of Directors of Social Services Cymru. With the political leadership and the professional leadership and wider Local Government driving forward the agenda I believe that we can really change the landscape and achieve our vision.
I have met with stakeholders and held discussions about the proposals with them. Having carefully considered their very constructive and helpful responses, I have now written to them setting out my response to their proposals.
I expect to receive the first iteration of the implementation plans by 31 March from the Welsh Local Government Association. I look forward to the concrete plans which will be crucial to deliver together those common goals shared by us all – the best possible outcomes for people in need in Wales.