Julie James MS, Minister for Climate Change
The focussed consultation on further changes to Technical Advice Note 15 (TAN 15) concluded on 17 April and I am very grateful to everyone who submitted a response. Analysis of the consultation responses is now underway. It is clear that the issue of Climate Change mitigation, and flooding in particular, are complex. The consultation responses have raised many differing views which need to be fully assessed. There is a substantial amount of detailed work to be undertaken in analysing the responses and, if appropriate, make further changes to the TAN.
In my letter of 23 November 2021 which postponed the coming into force of the earlier version of the TAN, I requested that detailed Flood Consequences Assessments be undertaken to help refine the granularity of the Flood Map for Planning. I am grateful that this work confirmed the accuracy of the robust and detailed modelling upon which the TAN is based. The original TAN was suspended whilst this work was undertaken, however the decision to amend the TAN and re-consult has had an inevitable impact on its timeline for the coming into force. The TAN was originally suspended until 1 June 2023 but the re-consultation now means that this date will no longer be achievable. Given the size and complexity of the task in analysing the responses and making further changes to the TAN it is unlikely that the new version of the TAN will come into force before the end of this year.
I will make a further announcement on the timing of the TAN once a full analysis of the consultation responses has been completed.