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Terms of reference of Ystadau Cymru.


Ystadau Cymru (YC) is a partnership between public and third sector organisations within Wales. It was established by the Welsh Government to enable, support, and encourage excellence in public sector collaborative asset management.

With its ways of working and wellbeing goals, YC is aligned with the Well-being and Future Generations Act 2015 and Programme for Government.

YC supports the Welsh public service in being more holistic in its decision making and recognises the importance of working together in building a stronger, greener, and more sustainable Wales. 

YC reports to Jayne Bryant MS, Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government

The aims of Ystadau Cymru

  • To explore the medium and long-term options for delivering public value from assets held by the wider Welsh Public sector.
  • To influence and support effective collaborative asset management across the Welsh public sector for a greener and more sustainable Wales for our future generations.
  • Supporting the Programme for Government in the following priorities:
    • Building a Stronger Greener Economy
    • Decarbonisation of the Public Estate
    • Improving Biodiversity
    • Supporting the Foundational Economy
    • Making our cities, towns, and villages better places to live and work.
    • Support the development of Community and Remote Working Hubs

Responsibilities of Ystadau Cymru

  • To support and facilitate public sector collaboration opportunities in their strategic approach to property and property management across their geographical and organisational boundaries.
  • Agreeing a Communication Plan, Business Case and Delivery Plan
  • Monitoring progress and keeping pace of the aims and objectives set out in the Communication Plan, Business and Delivery Plan.
  • Periodic review of the business and delivery plans to ensure alignment with the Programme for Government and Regional policy priorities.
  • Support and contribute to Regional and Ystadau Cymru thematic groups where appropriate.
  • Support the framework for sharing best practice which includes the annual conference & awards and content for the newsletter and internet pages. 

Regional Working Groups and Project Groups

Ystadau Cymru support Regional Working Groups and Project Groups within its network.

Regional Working Groups

Ystadau Cymru assist Regional Working groups who identify, plan and deliver collaborative projects aligned with Ystadau Cymru objectives and regional priorities; current groups are listed below: 

  • North Wales
  • Cardiff & Vale
  • Cwm Taf Region
  • Pembrokeshire & Carmarthen 

These are open to public and third sector organisations and enable estates managers to share knowledge and learning on key practical issues and seek opportunities for collaborative projects.

The chair of each regional group attends the Chair of Chairs meeting which is a forum to provide updates and share information on emerging topics. Regional reports are prepared every quarter and sent to board members.

Ystadau Cymru engage with partners on specific projects as sub-groups from time to time as required by the Board or other WG policy colleagues. Current groups include:

  • Building Safety
  • Community Assets & Social Value
  • Sustainability 

Ystadau Cymru Board

The Ystadau Cymru Board is chaired by Beverly Owen Chief executive of Newport City Council, the Ystadau Cymru Board consists of representatives from the following sectors and organisations:

  • Welsh Government
  • Welsh Local Authorities
  • Natural Resources Wales
  • NHS Wales
  • Representative bodies e.g. Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), One Voice Wales, Association of Chief Estate Surveyors (ACES), Consortium of Local Authorities in Wales (CLAW), Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)
  • Non-devolved public services, such as police
  • Trade Unions

2025 Ystadau Cymru Board members

Beverly Owen (Chair): Chief Executive, Newport City Council

Lorna Cross (Vice-Chair): Operational Manager Property, Vale of Glamorgan Council

Jon Rae: Director of Resources, Wales Local Government Association

Tim Peppin: Director, Wales Local Government Association

Lyn Cadwallader: Chief Executive, One Voice Wales

Bleddyn Evans: County Valuer & Asset Manager, Conwy County Borough Council

Claire Jones: Head of Estates, South Wales Police

Clive Ball: Head of Property, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

Neil Frow: Managing Director, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

Rachael Cunningham: Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Services, Natural Resources Wales

Alun Jones: Head of Social Investment, Wales Council for Voluntary Action

Geoff Bacon : Head of Property, Swansea Council / Wales TUC

Richard Baker: Deputy Director, Place Division, Welsh Government

Andrew Charles: Deputy Director, Cohesive Communities, Welsh Government

Neal O’Leary: Programme Director - Sustainable Communities for Learning, Welsh Government

Nicola Powell: Deputy Head of NHS Capital, Estates & Facilities, Welsh Government  

Judith Cole: Deputy Director, LG Finance Policy & Sustainability, Welsh Government

Critical friends

Laurie Davies: Audit Wales

Secretariat to the Ystadau Cymru: Welsh Government