The effect of the proposed Order will be to introduce a one way traffic system to prohibit any vehicles, proceeding in any direction other than northbound on the length of the lay-by of the trunk road.

Permanent Order - A487 trunk road (lay-by at Llanfarian, Ceredigion) (one way traffic) Order 2023 , file type: PDF, file size: 90 KB
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Permanent Order - A487 trunk road (lay-by at Llanfarian, Ceredigion) (one way traffic) Order 2023 public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 128 KB
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Permanent Order - A487 trunk road (lay-by at Llanfarian, Ceredigion) (one way traffic) Order 2023 plan , file type: PDF, file size: 432 KB
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The Order is required as this location is currently open to two-way traffic and has numerous vehicles parked on both sides leading to difficulties in negotiating the lay-by at times.
This restriction will help to ease traffic flow issues and will improve safety for all road users.