This Order comes into force in 2015.

The A55 Trunk Road (Junction 8, Pant Lodge Interchange, Isle of Anglesey to Junction 9, Treborth, Gwynedd) (50 mph Speed Limit) Order 2015 , file type: PDF, file size: 16 KB
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The A55 Trunk Road (Junction 8, Pant Lodge Interchange, Isle of Anglesey to Junction 9, Treborth, Gwynedd) (50 mph Speed Limit) Order 2015 - plan , file type: PDF, file size: 616 KB
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The Order is necessary in the interests of highway safety in order to extend the existing 50 mph restriction by reducing traffic speeds on the approaches to the single lane section of the A55 over Britannia Bridge and on the approaches to the existing merge and diverge slip roads. This will help reduce delays over Britannia Bridge.