The proposed Order will restrict waiting in lay-bys on the A55 trunk road between Junction 2 (Trearddur Bay) and Junction 8 (Llanfair PG), Anglesey.

The A55 Trunk Road (Lay-bys between Junction 2 (Trearddur Bay) & Junction 8 (Llanfair PG), Isle of Anglesey) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 2016 , file type: PDF, file size: 146 KB
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The A55 Trunk Road (Lay-bys between Junction 2 (Trearddur Bay) & Junction 8 (Llanfair PG), Isle of Anglesey) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 2016 - plan , file type: PDF, file size: 6 MB
6 MB
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The effect of the Order is to restrict waiting in lay-bys on the A55 trunk road between Junction 2 (Trearddur Bay) and Junction 8 (Llanfair PG), Anglesey.