Number of additional affordable housing units delivered and how the planning system contributed to the provision for April 2018 to March 2019.
This is not the latest release in the series: Affordable housing provision
Main points
- 2,592 additional affordable housing units were delivered across Wales(1), a 12% increase on 2017-18 and the highest annual total to date.
- An additional 35 housing units were delivered under the Rent to own - Wales(2) scheme introduced in February 2018.
- Registered Social Landlords delivered 90% of all additional affordable housing provision (2,338 units).
- Nearly three quarters of affordable housing units were delivered with capital grant funding (73%).
- 650 affordable housing units were delivered on land made available by the public sector, up by 22% on 2017-18.
(1) The figures cover all additional affordable housing units, whether through new build, purchases, acquisition, leasing or conversion of existing dwellings. They do not take account of any loss of affordable housing stock through demolitions or sales during the year.
(2) Rent to Own - Wales units do not conform to the TAN 2 definition of affordable housing and as such have not been included in the total additional affordable housing figure shown in this report. The figures do however contribute to the affordable homes target (see report for further detail).

Affordable housing provision, April 2018 to March 2019 , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB
Craig Mcleod
Telephone: 0300 061 5675
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