Translation memories
Translation memory files containing bilingual versions of primary legislation, subordinate legislation and general documents published by the Welsh Government.
From this page and related sub-pages you will find collections of translation memory files of primary legislation, subordinate legislation and general documents published by the Welsh Government.
Translation memories of individual materials
For ease of use when searching for the latest files, these are distributed over four sub-pages, which can be accessed from the list on the right of this page:
- Translation memories - Acts and Measures, which includes all translation memory files of bilingual primary legislation
- Translation memories - Subordinate legislation, which includes all translation memory files of subordinate legislation added to BydTermCymru since 2018
- Translation memories - General 2018-2021, which includes all translation memory files of general documents (i.e. not legislation) added to BydTermCymru between 2018 and 2021
- Translation memories - General 2024 onwards, which includes all translation memory files of general documents (i.e. not legislation) added to BydTermCymru from 2024 onwards
No translation memories were added to BydTermCymru between 2021 and 2024. However you will find translation memories of general documents published during this period on the sub-page for 2024 onwards. For translation memory files of general documents, a date is included with each file which denotes the date it was added to the website.
Combined translation memories
At the bottom of this page, you will also find three combined translation memory files. These contain all the individual files added to the relevant sub-pages and the combined translation memory files will be updated as individual translation memory files are added to those sub-pages:
- Combined memory - Primary legislation. This translation memory was last updated on 18/12/2024 and contains 64358 aligned segments.
- Combined memory - Subordinate legislation. This translation memory was last updated on 14/10/2024 and contains 6704 aligned segments.
- Combined memory - General. This translation memory was last updated on 18/12/2024 and contains 92525 aligned segments.
General information
These are TMX files. On the right of this page you'll find a link to guidance on importing TMX files into a selection of the most familiar translation memory systems.
These translation memories, like all the resources on BydTermCymru, are published under the OGL licence. On the right of this page you'll find a link to information about the OGL licence.
We'll be adding translation memories to the collection regularly. Come back to this page regularly to add more of our memories to your translation memory system.
A * in the title of the TM indicates that the content has not been proofread by the staff of the Welsh Government Translation Service.
A ** indicates that the content of the TM is a Senedd document.