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Wales is committed to becoming a Nation of Sanctuary and has a long history of supporting migrants from across the world to benefit from their skills and culture and enhance Welsh society.  

It is important that the transition to Welsh life is supported properly and sensitively for the benefit of all. Welsh Government is consulting on ways to measure how inclusive our communities are for those who travel to live and work in Wales. Developing this method of measuring inclusion will help migrants and their receiving communities in Wales to feel safe, have access to appropriate provision, have the opportunity to contribute and thrive.

Ensuring that migrants and receiving communities get along well is a shared responsibility for us all and the Welsh Government has a duty to try to reduce inequality, foster good relations and challenge discrimination. We have a range of services and policies which seek to improve migrant inclusion. However, it has been difficult to assess whether these policies are as effective as they could be, due to the lack of a reliable way of measuring inclusion.

Where communities are not inclusive, this can have profound negative consequences, from increased hate crime, healthcare inequalities, poor employment rates, barriers to educational progression, and more negative outcomes beside. This also has an impact on wider communities, where people can feel less safe, be more distrustful of neighbours, and miss opportunities to harness the diverse talents and experience which migrants often bring to Wales.

The need for a way of measuring the inclusiveness of communities for migrants in Wales has been noted by the Wales Centre for Public Policy and the Welsh Parliament. Developing a way to measure inclusion will allow Welsh Government to encourage and better develop ways of working across Wales. This should allow us to more reliably assess inclusion and inform good practice that can be used in developing new policies.   

The term ‘Inclusion’ within this document refers to a two-way process of migrants and receiving communities learning from and supporting each other to ensure inequalities do not exist (or are quickly resolved) and everyone feels like they belong in Welsh society. It is not about expecting migrants to confirm or assimilate to the existing way things work. However, it does require everyone to play their part, including migrants taking responsibility to access systems and opportunities in Wales too.

The term ‘Migrant’ within this document refers to those born outside the United Kingdom who are residing in Wales. This includes both those with secure immigration status and those without.

We recognise that nationality and migration status are only two linked factors which may impact on whether communities are inclusive. Individuals arriving in Wales will also have differing ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, health or accessibility needs, beliefs or other characteristics which may combine to influence individuals’ experiences in Wales. By measuring the experiences of migrants we can compare this to experiences found by other groups in society and look for ways to eliminate any inequalities which may arise.

Currently, there is no consistent approach to measuring inclusiveness of communities for migrants in Wales. There are many well-intentioned support services and interventions which aim to improve migrant inclusion but these are often based upon anecdotal evidence or personal experience of ‘what works’. Sometimes, they are designed to fit funding criteria set by various grant funders. Much of this activity will be effective practice but a more robust evidence base relating to the outcomes experienced by migrants across Wales is needed to ensure the most effective interventions are identified, funded and replicated.

In 2019, the Home Office published new ‘Indicators of Integration’ (third edition; built upon Indicators first developed in 2004) which state:

Devolved Administrations may have different policies, legislation and modes of service provision and support, as well as sometimes different data collections, which will affect the ways that the [Indicators] are used.

The Home Office Indicators divides the concept of ‘integration’ into 14 separate ‘domains’, which are set out below:

Markers and means

  • Work
  • Housing
  • Education
  • Health and social care
  • Leisure

Social connections

  • Bonds
  • Bridges
  • Links


  • Language and communication
  • Culture
  • Digital skills
  • Safety
  • Stability


  • Rights and responsibilities

As set out in the Home Office Indicators:

The 14 domains of integration… offer an evidence-based approach with which to build strategies, and design, implement and measure the success of practical interventions. Each domain is linked with a comprehensive set of measures of both outcome and appropriate action.

We have included the list of Home Office Indicators in Annex 2 of this consultation paper.

In 2016, the Welsh Government also produced Well-being National Indicators which set out key indicators which we want to focus on to consider the well-being of everyone in Wales.

The Welsh Government Well-being Indicators are organised within the 7 Well-Being Goals, which are:

  • a More Equal Wales
  • a Wales of cohesive communities
  • a prosperous Wales
  • a resilient Wales
  • a healthier Wales
  • a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
  • a globally responsible Wales.

The Welsh Government Well-being National Indicators are designed to assess progress towards achieving those 7 Goals, which are part of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The list of Indicators are included at Annex 1 of this consultation paper.

Unfortunately, both of these sets of Indicators currently have drawbacks. This makes measuring how inclusive our communities are difficult to achieve. The Home Office Indicators are a very useful contribution to this subject but are not being routinely used in Wales. The complexity of that document can appear daunting. The Welsh Government Indicators rely upon data sets which do not currently capture migrant experiences sufficiently to help us achieve the aim of measuring inclusive communities.

We want to take the best elements of these two documents and combine them, along with on-the-ground best practice, and produce a more user-friendly tool which we hope most services working directly with migrants in Wales will use.

We hope to develop a method of measurement which anyone providing support to migrants can use. The measurement will help services to monitor and share information in an ethical and transparent manner. This does not relate to personal or identifiable data but encourages consistent data collection and reporting of outcomes experienced by migrant service users.

Priority areas

Through this consultation we are aiming to explore 5 priority areas:

What should be measured

We believe that the existing documents mentioned above provide a very useful foundation for the development of a method of measuring migrant inclusion. We are seeking views about whether combining the best of these two documents is the correct approach for us to follow in Wales. We welcome views about whether there are key things which are essential for inclusion and whether essential areas of measurement for our Welsh context are not covered by existing measurements. We will separately be commissioning research to look specifically at how these measurements can be taken forward and answers to these questions will be looked at in more detail by the research team.

We recognise that the experiences of children of migrants living in Wales can also experience inequalities and their sense of belonging can be compromised. Collecting data relating to the children of migrants is more complex from a technical and ethical perspective but we are interested in hearing views about whether this should form part of our final tool and how this might be achieved.

Identifying barriers

We recognise that there are barriers which have prevented or discouraged effective measurement of migrant inclusion until now. One of these is likely to be the absence of a Welsh Government tool recommending a method of measurement. Another likely barrier relates to gaps in services asking about nationality or immigration status of those accessing their service. There is also sometimes a lack of transparency where data is collected relating to migrant outcomes. We know that migrants may not always feel that they can trust services with their data and this is understandable in the context of anti-migrant rhetoric and legislative proposals currently being debated at the UK Parliament. Building this trust is likely to be a barrier to collecting and sharing relevant insights as a result.

We recognise that there may be a range of barriers which we have not yet fully understood which may need to be overcome to ensure measurements can be effectively implemented after publication. We welcome views on the perceived, or experienced, barriers which may prevent engagement with this work.

Good practice

Wales has benefitted from the many organisations who have worked tirelessly for decades to support migrants to settle in our communities. We want to identify good examples of interventions where the principles of the Indicators of Integration have been embedded to enhance ways of working. These examples will be worked into case studies which can be included in our final tool about measuring inclusion to illustrate how theoretical principles can be put into use.


In our view, the final tool about measuring inclusion needs to be presented as a user-friendly tool which those working in third sector or public bodies can use effectively without adding significant time to their workload. To achieve this, we need a greater understanding of the needs and working practices of those providing support to migrant communities. We welcome views on the most accessible and effective means of presenting the final tool.

Ongoing support needs

We want to ensure that the final tool can be incorporated into daily working practices in organisations across Wales after it is published in December 2022. To do this, we would like to know what you think will be needed from Welsh Government to ensure organisations are measuring inclusion over the medium-term.

We would also welcome views about the contributions that your organisation (or other identified organisations) may be able to play in this process.


A 7-week consultation period will begin on 7 February and end on 25 March 2022. During the consultation period we will encourage responses from those working directly with migrant communities, and on those working on broader issues of community cohesion, to ensure our next steps are informed by evidence and practical insights.

The consultation period is slightly shorter than standard but has been brought forward to enable participation from local authorities prior to the local government pre-election period.

Views from a broad spectrum of individuals, community-based groups, Trade unions, academics and those of our public, private and third sector partners, are encouraged to help us refine and develop this work.

Separately, we will work with migrant support organisations to ensure a number of focus groups are held with migrants themselves, as their input is crucial in understanding what inclusion looks like from their perspective.

We will reflect on the responses to the consultation and the parallel research mentioned above to develop a method of measuring the inclusion of migrants in our communities. We will aim to publish the final tool by December 2022.

Annex 1

Wellbeing Future Generations national indicators




Percentage of live single births with a birth weight of under 2,500g


Healthy life expectancy at birth including the gap between the least and most deprived


Percentage of adults with two or more healthy lifestyle behaviours


Levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution in the air


Percentage of children with two or more healthy lifestyle behaviours


Measurement of development of young children


Average capped 9 points score of pupils, including the gap between those who are eligible or are not eligible for free school meals


Percentage of adults with qualifications at the different levels of the National Qualifications Framework


Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked (relative to UK average)


Gross Disposable Household Income per head


Percentage of businesses which are innovation-active


Capacity (in MW) of renewable energy equipment installed


Concentration of carbon and organic matter in soil


The global footprint of Wales


Amount of waste generated that is not recycled, per person


Percentage of people in employment, who are on permanent contracts (or on temporary contracts, and not seeking permanent employment) and who earn at least the real Living Wage


Pay difference for gender, disability and ethnicity


Percentage of people living in households in income poverty relative to the UK median: measured for children, working age and those of pension age


Percentage of people living in households in material deprivation


Proportion of employees whose pay is set by collective bargaining


Percentage of people in employment


Percentage of people in education, employment or training, measured for different age groups


Percentage who feel able to influence decisions affecting their local area


Percentage of people satisfied with their ability to get to/ access the facilities and services they need


Percentage of people feeling safe at home, walking in the local area, and when travelling


Percentage of people satisfied with local area as a place to live


Percentage of people agreeing that they belong to the area; that people from different backgrounds get on well together; and that people treat each other with respect


Percentage of people who volunteer


Mean mental well-being score for people


Percentage of people who are lonely


Percentage of dwellings which are free from hazards


Number of properties (homes and businesses) at medium or high risk of flooding from rivers and the sea


Percentage of dwellings with adequate energy performance


Number of households successfully prevented from becoming homeless per 10,000 households


Percentage of people attending or participating in arts, culture or heritage activities at least three times a year


Percentage of people who speak Welsh daily and can speak more than just a few words of Welsh


Number of people who can speak Welsh


Percentage of people participating in sporting activities three or more times a week


Percentage of museums and archives holding archival/heritage collections meeting UK accreditation standards


Percentage of designated historic environment assets that are in stable or improved conditions


Emissions of greenhouse gases within Wales


Emissions of greenhouse gases attributed to the consumption of global goods and services in Wales


Areas of healthy ecosystems in Wales


Status of biological diversity in Wales


Percentage of surface water bodies, and groundwater bodies, achieving good or high overall status


Active global citizenship in Wales


Percentage of people who have confidence in the justice system


Percentage of journeys by walking, cycling or public transport


Percentage of households spending 30% or more of their income on housing costs


Status of digital inclusion

Annex 2

Home Office indicators of integration


Employment provides a mechanism for income generation and economic independence and possibly advancement; as such, it is a key factor supporting integration. Work can also be valuable in (re)establishing valued social roles, developing language and broader cultural competence and establishing social connections. Voluntary work provides valuable work experience and the opportunity to practice language and communication skills and build social connections for those with or without the right to paid employment. For those with the right to employment it can provide a pathway to paid work.





% participating in pathways to work (e.g. apprenticeships, work experience or mentoring/ shadowing schemes)


% (eligible/able to work) in paid work


% employed at a level appropriate to skills, qualifications and experience


% employed across diverse range of employment sectors


% holding different kinds of employment contracts (zero-hours, part-time; self-employed; temporary, etc.)


% individuals (eligible/able to work) using services of local enterprise company business start-up initiatives


% earning national average annual earnings


% individuals and/or households who are economically self-supporting

and independent


% reporting satisfaction with current employment


% in unpaid or voluntary work


Perceptions of employment opportunities and barriers to securing employment


% with retirement plans


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation


Access to, and progress within, the education system serves as a significant integration marker, and as a major means towards this goal. Education creates significant opportunities for employment, for wider social connection, and mixing for language learning and cultural exchange.





% achieving specified key stages at primary level (or equivalent educational attainment of children between the ages of 5 and 11 years old)


% achieving five or more GCSEs / Standard Grades at 9-4 (A*-C) (or equivalent educational attainment of children between the ages of 12 and 16 years old)


% achieving two or more ‘A’ level or Advanced Higher passes (or equivalent educational attainment of children and young people aged 17 and 18 years old)


% students excluded from school


% young people and adults achieving admission to tertiary education


% individuals completing vocational qualification (e.g. National Vocational Qualifications / Scottish Vocational Qualifications or equivalent)


% completing Access to Higher Education Diploma


% young people and adults achieving admission to university


% dropping out of university / further education


% children participating in pre-school education


% children participating in lunchtime and after school clubs


Representation of diversity of local population in schools (index of dissimilarity)


Students’ self-reported feeling of belonging at school


% not in employment, education or training (NEET)


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation.


Housing structures much of an individual’s experience of integration. Housing conditions impact on a community’s sense of security and stability, opportunities for social connection, and access to healthcare, education and employment.





% homeless


% living in owner-occupier/secure or assured tenancy conditions


% living in overcrowded housing


% of eligible individuals living in social housing


% receiving housing benefit


% receiving discretionary housing payment


Average length of time spent in temporary accommodation


Reported satisfaction with housing conditions


Reported satisfaction with neighbourhood (e.g. community safety, social cohesion and availability of necessary amenities)


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation

Health and social care

The key issues here are equity of access to health and social services and responsiveness of such services to the specific needs of the individual. Good health enables greater social participation and engagement in employment and education activities.





Healthy life expectancy at birth (male and female)


% registered with a GP


% registered with a dentist


% registered with NHS optician for eye test


% having free NHS eye-tests


% utilising specialised services (through the NHS where available) (e.g. antenatal care, mental health services, support for domestic abuse victims and victims of trauma)


% utilising preventions services (e.g. immunisation, health, antenatal care and cervical and breast screening, sexual health clinics)


% eligible individuals successfully accessing incapacity, carers and other benefits


% utilising health visitors services


% children and young people with access to school nurses


Infant mortality rates


Neonatal mortality rates


Perinatal mortality rates


Maternal mortality rates


Mortality rate from causes considered preventable (all ages


% expressing good self-rated health and wellbeing (this should be both for children and young people and 18+)


Health related quality of life for older people


% reporting discussion of mental health problems with their GPs


% having access to interpretation or translation services during medical appointments


Leisure activities can help individuals learn more about the culture of a country or local area, and can provide opportunities to establish social connections, practice language skills and improve overall individual health and wellbeing.





% membership of local library


% membership of local sports facilities


% participation in local social and leisure groups


% reporting engagement in at least one preferred leisure activity in the last month


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation

Social bonds – with those you share a sense of identity

Supportive relationships with people who share many of your values and expectations about life (norms) are crucial for mental health and wellbeing and therefore underpin integration. Such relationships are generally – but not always – formed with family members and people from the same cultural background. Familiar people, language, cultural practices and shared religious faith can all contribute to a sense of belonging.





% reporting that they have someone from own community to talk with when needing support


% able to use social media to retain or develop social contacts with relatives and friends


% reporting having friends with similar backgrounds


% participating in a community organisation or involved in religious group or association


% people who feel they are able to practice their religion freely


% reporting sense of ‘belonging’ to neighbourhood and local area

Social bridges – with people from different backgrounds

Establishing social connections with those perceived to be of other backgrounds such as language, ethnicity, religion and sexuality is essential to establish the ‘two-way’ interaction at the heart of many definitions of integration. Creating bridges to other communities supports social cohesion and opens up opportunities for broadening cultural understanding, and widening educational and economic opportunities.





% participating in youth clubs, childcare facilities, sports clubs, trade unions and other organisations


% attending communal spaces (including places of religious worship) where they mix with people from different backgrounds


% local people reporting having friends from different backgrounds


% local people (incoming and receiving communities) who report mixing with people from different ethnic or other backgrounds in everyday situations


% confident to ask their neighbours of all backgrounds for help


% reporting sense of ‘belonging’ to neighbourhood and local area


% volunteering/helping in the community in the past month


% reporting that people of different backgrounds get on well in their area


Prevalence of residential segregation (by ethnicity) in the local area

Social links: with institutions

Social links refer to engagement with the institutions of society, such as local governmental and non-governmental services, civic duties and political processes, and demonstrates a further set of social connections supporting integration. Social links exist where a person is able to both receive the benefits provided by the institutions of society as well as contribute to decision-making and delivery. Linkage into such activities provides a further dimension of social connection.





% assuming office or representational functions with local community

organisations or committees (e.g. playgroup board, PTAs, patient  group, residents’ association, Neighbourhood Watch)


% registering to vote


Representation of minority ethnic groups in UK political parties


% active within school PTAs, NGOs or governing bodies


% using statutory and other services


% having awareness of procedures for complaining about goods and services


% in leadership/management positions


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation

Language and communication

The ability to communicate is essential for all social connections including, crucially, with other communities and with state and voluntary agencies such as local government and non-government services, political processes and being able to perform civic duties.





Adult literacy rate


% participating in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes or equivalent adult English language learning


% regularly attending ESOL classes or equivalent adult English language learning


% progressing to ESOL Entry level 3 required to apply for British citizenship (B1 on Common European framework) within 2 years of receiving status


% reporting satisfaction with local ESOL provision (or equivalent)


% people who do not have English as a first language reporting ability to hold simple conversation with a local language speaker (e.g. a neighbour)


% participating in initiatives to provide language practice outside of classes (e.g. through social activities, with mentors or through volunteering)


% maintaining native language alongside learning new language


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation


An understanding of others’ cultural values, practices and beliefs promotes integration between people of different backgrounds. Such knowledge includes very practical information for daily living (e.g. regarding transport, utilities, benefits) as well as customs and social expectations. Mutual knowledge of one another’s values, cultures and practices promotes the developing of social connections between people of diverse backgrounds.





% engaging with UK cultural institutions and events (e.g. museums, local festivals, cultural celebrations)


% reporting that people of different backgrounds get on well in their area


% reporting being knowledgeable and comfortable with diversity of local social norms and expectations


% reporting understanding of UK institutional cultures and behaviours (e.g. in work or accessing public services)


% understanding, and applying, UK law pertaining to everyday life (e.g. parenting responsibilities, employment and property rights, behaviour in public spaces)


% aware of and adhering to UK law in relation to practices that are not legal in the UK (e.g. drink driving or female genital mutilation (FGM))


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation

Digital skills

Familiarity and confidence in using information communication technology can help facilitate social connections and is increasingly crucial in accessing rights and services.





% reporting confidence in using technology to access digital services


% reporting confidence in using technology to communicate with friends or family (i.e. through the internet)


% accessing digital training courses


% with personal access to internet (including mobile data)


% over 16 with smartphone or computer


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation


A sense of safety provides an essential foundation to forming relationships with people and society, enabling progress through education and/or employment and participating in leisure pursuits. Community safety is a common concern amongst minority groups and within the broader communities in which they live. Racial harassment and hate crime erodes confidence, constrains engagement in social connection and distorts cultural knowledge.





% reporting trust in the police


% women reporting sexual victimisation and/or domestic violence


% reporting feeling fearful or insecure


Self-reported feeling of safety when walking alone outside during the day/night


% reporting experience of racial, cultural or religious harassment or incidents


% reporting a hate crime


% school-age children reporting experience of incidents of bullying or racist abuse in schools


% stopped and searched by police


% arrested and/or charged with a crime


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation


Individuals benefit from a sense of stability in their lives, such as a stable routine in their work, education, living circumstances and access to services. Stability is necessary for sustainable engagement with employment or education and other services. Mobility disrupts social networks, whereas stability supports social connections and can help to improve individual’s perceptions of the area in which they live.





% reporting stable (that people can remain) residence in their current housing


% children moving school


% accessing permanent employment


% reporting satisfaction with local area


% with secured immigration status (i.e. permanent leave to remain)


Number of families being reunited through family reunion procedures


% acquiring citizenship


% reporting familiarity and trust with local people and neighbours


% reporting intention to remain in neighbourhood for three or more years


% reporting sense of ‘belonging’ to neighbourhood and local area


% reporting financial insecurity


% reporting financial inclusion

Rights and responsibilities

This domain addresses the extent to which members of minority groups are provided with the basis for full and equal engagement within UK society (which may lead to a formal application for citizenship). It assesses the existence and awareness of rights and responsibilities as well as the enablement of these rights and fulfilment of responsibilities.





% utilising affordable legal advice


% utilising welfare benefits advice


% applying for citizenship


% registering to vote where permitted


% participating in local civic and political forums and public consultation


% understanding and applying UK law and social responsibilities (e.g. parenting responsibilities, employment and property rights, behaviour in public spaces)


% reporting sense of responsibility towards local and UK society


% reporting sense of equity in access to services and entitlements


% overall population reporting knowledge of anti-discrimination laws


% reporting knowledge of rights to interpreting services in public services (across integration domains)


Awareness of key institutions, rights, supports and pathways to participation

Consultation questions

We have set a number of questions for your consideration. We encourage you to follow the question format which we have set to enable more effective understanding and analysis of your views. We have included a final question to enable you to record any additional comments or views which you do not feel is adequately provided through answers to our other questions.

We also urge you to share this document with those with an interest in these issues (and potential contributions to the development of the final tool) are made aware of the consultation and encouraged to respond.

We will not tolerate hateful comments about the protected characteristics of race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity and any responses that contain hate speech will be disregarded and may passed to criminal justice agencies for investigation.

Question 1

We intend to develop a method of measuring migrant inclusion by using the best parts of the Home Office Indicators of Integration (2019) and the Welsh Governments Well-being National Indicators (2016). Do you agree with this general approach?

Question 2

Which of the measurements from the Well-being National Indicators within Annex 1 are the most essential indicators to include in the framework to monitor migrant inclusion?

Question 3

Which of the measurements from the Indicators of Integration within Annex 2 are the most appropriate indicators to include in the framework to monitor inclusion?

Question 4

Have you identified any barriers to the measurement of migrant inclusion in your work?

Question 5

Have you identified any examples of good practice in your (or others’) work which use the concepts of measuring the inclusion of migrants in communities?

Question 6

How would you like to see the tool setting out a method of measuring inclusion presented to ensure it is user-friendly?

Question 7

What additional support would your organisation be likely to need to measure the inclusion of migrants in your day-to-day work?

Question 8

How can we, as a government, improve the availability, consistency, completeness and usability of migrant data that is collected and reported?

Question 9

How can we improve the willingness of migrants to provide us with their information?

Question 10

Are there any innovative data/evidence options we need to explore further, such as new data linkage opportunities?

Question 11

Should the experiences of the children of migrants to Wales form part of our final tool?

Question 12

We would like to know your views on the effects that these proposals would have on the Welsh language, specifically on opportunities for people to use Welsh and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than English. 

What effects do you think there would be? How positive effects could be increased or negative effected be mitigated?

Question 13

We have asked a number of specific questions. If you have any related issues which we have not specifically addressed, please use this space to report them:

How to respond

Submit your comments by 25 March 2022, in any of the following ways:

The Equality Team
Welsh Government
Rhyd Y Car Business Park
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1UZ

Your rights

Under the data protection legislation, you have the right:

  • to be informed of the personal data held about you and to access it
  • to require us to rectify inaccuracies in that data
  • to (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing
  • for (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’
  • to (in certain circumstances) data portability
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is our independent regulator for data protection.

Responses to consultations are likely to be made public, on the internet or in a report. If you would prefer your response to remain anonymous, please tell us

For further details about the information the Welsh Government holds and its use, or if you want to exercise your rights under the GDPR, please see contact details below:

Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ


Information Commissioner’s Office

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone: 01625 545 745 or 0303 123 1113


UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)

The Welsh Government will be data controller for any personal data you provide as part of your response to the consultation. Welsh Ministers have statutory powers they will rely on to process this personal data which will enable them to make informed decisions about how they exercise their public functions. Any response you send us will be seen in full by Welsh Government staff dealing with the issues which this consultation is about or planning future consultations. Where the Welsh Government undertakes further analysis of consultation responses then this work may be commissioned to be carried out by an accredited third party (e.g. a research organisation or a consultancy company). Any such work will only be undertaken under contract. Welsh Government’s standard terms and conditions for such contracts set out strict requirements for the processing and safekeeping of personal data. In order to show that the consultation was carried out properly, the Welsh Government intends to publish a summary of the responses to this document. We may also publish responses in full. Normally, the name and address (or part of the address) of the person or organisation who sent the response are published with the response. If you do not want your name or address published, please tell us this in writing when you send your response. We will then redact them before publishing.

You should also be aware of our responsibilities under Freedom of Information legislation. If your details are published as part of the consultation response then these published reports will be retained indefinitely. Any of your data held otherwise by Welsh Government will be kept for no more than three years.

Further information and related documents

Number: WG44272

You can view this document in alternative languages. If you need it in a different format, please contact us.