Data collection and information management for schools
Attendance data collection
Guidance on recording and submitting data for attendance
Educated other than at school pupil level collection
Recording and submitting data for educated otherwise than at school pupils
Guidance and services
Information management for schools
Guidance on the keeping and transfer of pupil information
Guidance and services
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Key dates and work planning (data collection)
What data you need to submit for schools and when
National data collection (schools)
Teacher assessment information for the national data collection for schools
Post-16 data collection
Guidance on recording and submitting data for post-16
Pupil level annual school census (PLASC)
Guidance for the pupil level annual school census (PLASC)
Guidance and services
School workforce annual census (SWAC)
Guidance for the school workforce annual census (SWAC)