We are developing proposals for the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme for drink containers (DRS).

Evaluation of digital technology in a deposit return scheme: phase 1 report , file type: PDF, file size: 926 KB

Evaluation of digital technology in a deposit return scheme: phase 2 report , file type: PDF, file size: 2 MB

Evaluation of digital technology in a deposit return scheme: phase 2 technical appendix , file type: PDF, file size: 911 KB
We are working in collaboration to introduce a scheme covering Wales, England and Northern Ireland.
We want to understand if digital technology could help the operation of the scheme. There is the potential for greater convenience, less fraud and lower set up and running costs.
Resource Futures were appointed to undertake a detailed evaluation project.
This work has been collaborative, with input and support from across the drink value chain.
The assessment was undertaken in two phases, an initial information gathering phase and then a more detailed evaluation of options available.
Phase 1
This first phase of the evaluation study comprised an extensive series of interviews. Including:
- producers and brands,
- retailers,
- technology providers,
- trade and industry bodies,
- waste management companies,
- local authorities,
- non-profit organisations.
Phase 2
Phase 2 of this study looked at three end to end designs of a Digital DRS system. An assessment of implementation was undertaken for each of the designs including a statement on market readiness.
In undertaking this work Welsh Government would like to thanks all who have contributed. Specific mention and thanks to the members of the project steering group: Bryson Recycling, Diageo Ltd, AB-Inbev Ltd, British Retail Consortium, GS1 UK and Alupro.