This Order will stop up highways to allow development to take place in accordance with planning permission granted by the Local Authority.

The Stopping Up of Highways (Great Wedlock Farm, Gumfreston, Tenby, Pembrokeshire) Order 2022 , file type: PDF, file size: 191 KB

The Stopping Up of Highways (Great Wedlock Farm, Gumfreston, Tenby, Pembrokeshire) Order 2022-: 2nd public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 128 KB

The Stopping Up of Highways (Great Wedlock Farm, Gumfreston, Tenby, Pembrokeshire) Order 2022-: plan , file type: PDF, file size: 3 MB
The stopping up of an area of the existing highway is considered necessary to facilitate this development which is the change of use of former agricultural barns to a deer attraction park, educational and events use, with car park to main farmyard.
Installation of Solar PV to Barn and electric vehicle charging points. Retention of secure deer viewing area attached to barn. Change of Use of former garage to large animal and marine veterinary practice. Change of Use of agricultural Barn to Veterinary building (with ancillary use by deer farm when required). Change of Use of former agricultural Barn to plant room. Creation of new access to B4318.
Landscaping and infrastructure works to main site and creation of new mitigating planting areas. - Great Wedlock, GUMFRESTON, Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 8RB
This development will be carried out in accordance with planning permission granted under Part 3 of the 1990 Act by Pembrokeshire County Council on 4 July 2022 with reference number 21/0975PA.