This Order will stop up highways to allow development to take place in accordance with planning permission granted by the Local Authority.

The Stopping Up of Highways - Colliers Farm, Caerphilly, CF82 7PG - Order 2023 , file type: PDF, file size: 202 KB
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The Stopping Up of Highways - Colliers Farm, Caerphilly, CF82 7PG - Order 2023 public notice , file type: PDF, file size: 131 KB
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The Stopping Up of Highways - Colliers Farm, Caerphilly, CF82 7PG - Order 2023 plan , file type: PDF, file size: 379 KB
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Change of use from agriculture to a tourism and educational land based facility together with the erection of a new visitor centre and education building on land at Colliers Cottage, Caerphilly Road, Nelson, Treharris in the County Borough of Caerphilly.
The stopping up of a length of the existing highway is considered necessary to facilitate this development.