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Rt Hon Vaughan Gething MS

Ministerial responsibilities of the First Minister of Wales


  • Exercise of functions by the Welsh Government 
  • Policy development and the co-ordination of policy 
  • Delivery of the Programme for Government 
  • Inter-Governmental Relations 
  • International Relations including overseas network and Wales and Africa Wales and Europe 
  • The Legislative Programme 
  • The Ministerial Code 
  • Open Government and information management, including data protection Oversight of the Welsh Government’s relationship with Audit Wales 
  • Civil Contingencies and Chair of Wales Resilience Forum 
  • National security including counter-terrorism and cyber security 
  • Arms-Length Bodies 
  • Public Appointments 
  • Strategic Communications 
  • Tata


Vaughan was born in Zambia and brought up in the UK. He was educated at Aberystwyth and Cardiff universities. He has one son with his wife, Michelle and is a largely retired cricketer who is also a fan of both rugby and football.

Vaughan was a solicitor and former partner at Thompsons and become the youngest ever President of the Wales TUC in 2008. He has previously served as a county councillor, school governor and community service volunteer – supporting and caring for a student with cerebral palsy. Vaughan is also a former president of NUS Wales and led the Students Say Yes campaign ahead of the referendum that established devolution in Wales in 1997.

Between 1999 and 2003, Vaughan worked as a researcher to former Assembly Members Val Feld and Lorraine Barrett. Vaughan also chaired Right to Vote – a cross-party project to encourage greater participation from black minority ethnic communities in Welsh public life. He is also a current member of the Co-operative Party.

Vaughan has held the following roles in government, before taking up his current role as First Minister of Wales in March 2024:

  • Minister for Economy May 2021 to March 2024
  • Cabinet Secretary/Minister for Health and Social Services May 2016 to May 2021
  • Deputy Minister for Health September 2014 to May 2016
  • Deputy Minister for Tackling Poverty June 2013 to September 2014

Writing to Vaughan Gething