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Jonathan Gunter - Ministry Of Life (MOL)

Jonathan Gunter is founder and Managing Director of MOL, delivering youth work through the medium of music for disadvantaged young people. MOL use music and the arts to engage and empower young people, challenge social issues, break down barriers, and nurture artistic talent.

Through the medium of music, young people develop confidence and open up to conversations about avoiding knife crime and other serious organised crime. He works with alumni of his organisation to provide young people with positive role models and mentors to help them avoid a life of crime. He also delivers entry level accreditations (over 350 to date) and links young people to college courses, work experience and further opportunities.

One young person shared "I come from nothing, I come from the streets, but from attending MOL, I'm off the streets and look where I am now.. I'm never in trouble now and I'm proud of myself".

The judges noted that Jonathan is clearly an inspirational worker who has provided a lifeline for many young people experiencing significant disadvantage i and goes over and above what is expected in a youth worker’s role.